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i doubt anyone is demanding/suggesting that you emulate them. just saying your shit sux is all. that sweater may be new, but man YOU MAKE IT LOOK ANCIENT. regardless, it looks like shit on you.

as long as I continue to get laid, it's all good.

If hating on others makes you cum, feel free to hate all you want

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Guest jmatsu
as long as I continue to get laid, it's all good.

If hating on others makes you cum, feel free to hate all you want

LOL! so you mustn't have got any recently, cause you throwing an old folk's tantrum and shit. if it's all good, then take shit like a man. an old man..

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look at where those shoulder seams are

is all im sayin

u can wear ur shit loose without looking sloppy

ex.: seenmy

but ur shit is just sloppy

thats all i really have to say

not gonna post any of my fits because the last thing you should do is dress like youre 19 but you seem to be pretty good at finding them yourself

the sweater fits EXACTLY how I want it to fit. As far as searching for your fits, it's not gonna happen....don't have the time nor inclination to do so. I was aware of jmat for awhile and have his fits saved so I can entertain others.

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Guest jmatsu
jmat you got !5,000 posts..most full of hate...keep posting and hating cuz it's obviously an important part of your life

thanks for you blessing. so can i assume you'll just stfu when i criticize your shit from now on?

alot of my output being hate, but alot of it benefitting this forum.

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sonicvoodoo most people are going to hate your fits because (no offense) but you're really old. since most people on this forum are a lot younger than you, they're just going to hate because you just look like a goofy old guy. so stop getting into a fight everytime.you just be shitting up the threads. so sonic shut the fuck up.

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jmatsu's hate been overdone but yeah sonicvoodoo.... if that's the way you want your sweater to fit EXACTLY, then you have terrible taste in fitting

also your feet look hella small in everything

that being said, let the melee continue

edit: your feet don't look small in that picture, was referencing other ones where you where your pointy oxfords

ps - your pants are awkwardly hemmed? like meaning it has none

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as long as I continue to get laid, it's all good.

If hating on others makes you cum, feel free to hate all you want

I continue to get laid.

hating on others makes you cum

I continue to get laid.

makes you cum

I get laid.

makes you cum

makes you cum



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sonicvoodoo.......... stop getting into a fight everytime.you just be shitting up the threads. so sonic shut the fuck up.

I could be wrong, but i thought the purpose of this thread was to post fits. I post fit fairly often.

Do you?

Who's shitting up the thread?

can we get a jmat vs sonic thread

you can. however, I won't participate

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sonicvoodoo most people are going to hate your fits because (no offense) but you're really old. since most people on this forum are a lot younger than you, they're just going to hate because you just look like a goofy old guy. so stop getting into a fight everytime.you just be shitting up the threads. so sonic shut the fuck up.

nah, i dont think people would dislike his fits if he wore clothes that fit they were they were intended.

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Sonic, seriously now you're bringing a knife to a gun fight (hov concept).. I usually don't like to judge people on here based on just fits alone, but your fits resemble that of your e-persona.. Pretty bad. Your upper half reminds me of a robot cosplay outfit.

I would say that maybe 1 of your fits actually looked pretty decent at best, but not enough to create rebuttal. Just let it go man, throwing a tantrum isn't going to help the situation.. Perhaps people would give you some advice if you weren't such a child to be honest.

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if you weren't such a child to be honest.

Definitely true. IMO no one wud hate on him if he had his shit together, but he still looks like he's figuring himself out...like a child trying on a hand-me-down sweater his stepdad dropped off at the house...except still going for that look at age 50

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Guest jmatsu
wtf is cosplay and why everyone referencing it lately

ichigo allowed too. that kinda his forte. he bring otaku-knowledge to sufu. him and mrip.

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Guest jmatsu

and cosplaying is dressing up as your favorite fictional characters and going to compare who's costume is better at conventions.

i think ichigo just meant that the proportions of sonicdoodoo's fit b boxy. boxy like a robot....i guess.

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Perhaps people would give you some advice if you weren't such a child to be honest.

I was being sarcastic in my asking for advice but thanks anyway.

It's hard to convey intent on a message board. So much gets lost in translation.

I honestly don't mind criticisms of my fits but nearly every criticism is linked to a reference to my age. Don't you morons realize that I know how old I am? It amazes me that people can relish in making fun of someone's age as much as some of you guys do, especially when the object of the hate probably looks better naked than most of the people making fun....and no, I won't prove it.

Would I like to be 25 years younger? Sure, but it can't happen, and, it won't happen for any of you in 25 years. There is only one alternative to aging. I'll opt to age.

Getting back to my fits. I've been dressing myself for a very long time (obviously) and have been pretty well respected IRL for my style/swag. It's very cool if you don't dig it but please don't expect me to change because SUFU hates it.

carry on

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Getting back to my fits. I've been dressing myself for a very long time (obviously) and have been pretty well respected IRL for my style/swag. It's very cool if you don't dig it but please don't expect me to change because SUFU hates it.

carry on

I'm curious, why do you bother posting your fits on SuFu? This doesn't seem like the audience you're looking for.

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I was being sarcastic in my asking for advice but thanks anyway.

It's hard to convey intent on a message board. So much gets lost in translation.

I honestly don't mind criticisms of my fits but nearly every criticism is linked to a reference to my age. Don't you morons realize that I know how old I am? It amazes me that people can relish in making fun of someone's age as much as some of you guys do, especially when the object of the hate probably looks better naked than most of the people making fun....and no, I won't prove it.

Would I like to be 25 years younger? Sure, but it can't happen, and, it won't happen for any of you in 25 years. There is only one alternative to aging. I'll opt to age.

Getting back to my fits. I've been dressing myself for a very long time (obviously) and have been pretty well respected IRL for my style/swag. It's very cool if you don't dig it but please don't expect me to change because SUFU hates it.

carry on

i think the website you've actually been trying to post on is called "styleforum"

you can find it if you use "google" and type in "style forum"

once you do that you can click on "Style Forum - Discussion of Men's Clothing, Streetwear, Denim ..." and it should lead you to where you want to be. i hope i have been of some assistance, i think it's great that old people are trying to become involved with the internets!

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Guest jmatsu
I was being sarcastic in my asking for advice but thanks anyway.

It's hard to convey intent on a message board. So much gets lost in translation.

I honestly don't mind criticisms of my fits but nearly every criticism is linked to a reference to my age. Don't you morons realize that I know how old I am? It amazes me that people can relish in making fun of someone's age as much as some of you guys do, especially when the object of the hate probably looks better naked than most of the people making fun....and no, I won't prove it.

Would I like to be 25 years younger? Sure, but it can't happen, and, it won't happen for any of you in 25 years. There is only one alternative to aging. I'll opt to age.

Getting back to my fits. I've been dressing myself for a very long time (obviously) and have been pretty well respected IRL for my style/swag. It's very cool if you don't dig it but please don't expect me to change because SUFU hates it.

carry on

the reason that i hate on your age is because you don't act it (in the very beginning it really had nothing to do with it). in your mind you might have been the life of the party when you were young in the past, but the point is, is that the shit you bought along long long time ago is not relevant to a majority of the aesthetics of superfuture's overall community. your shit ain't timeless. like i said it looks aged (more like it has rotted).

you claim that your shit is well respected for swag/style, and that's fine, but what do you want/expect? you are posting on a forum that is outta your age bracket. you are done. your time is over. you can't expect to re-live your glory days here, unless you assimilate to community standards or at the very least have something substantial to offer.

sure, you'll probably argue about doing your own thing/etc, but most guys your age i know doing their own shit don't post on superfuture. i've seen guy's older than you w/ way more superior wardrobes, who have way more class and maturity than at least from what you have exibited here.

so when people seemingly hate on your age, it is merely that they are hating on your persona and clothing. these are two very common things that members of all ages get hated on 4. hate does not discriminate, but will gladly put salt in any wound.

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Also, Sonic - if you just let the criticisms of your fits go by and didn't fire back at each one, people would be less inclined to hate in the first place. The retort is always the same: "It's not too big...it fits the way I want it to fit...if you look up close it's fuckin' spectacular...not everything has to be skintight..." and so on.

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*EDIT* this was directed @jmat

While I don't agree with some of the points you make, this is the first post by you that is logical and restrained. It doesn't wreak of hatred and for that I commend you.

as far as you go Mr RSR post a fit ANYWHERE or STFU already....you've been looking for your camera for months

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