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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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i respect the dolphin as he can fly on land, and using

echo~locaiton,( means of sound travel through wall.

and that is gangster, by all means on some slave days shit

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just gonna put this out there - ya'll are on some next level of tom-foolery if you thought I was being serious the other night. I was drizzy and was making sweeping generalizations and calling everyone out cause it made me laugh. Guess some of ya'll caught feelings, which I apologize for, but not really.

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just gonna put this out there - ya'll are on some next level of tom-foolery if you thought I was being serious the other night. I was drizzy and was making sweeping generalizations and calling everyone out cause it made me laugh. Guess some of ya'll caught feelings, which I apologize for, but not really.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that no one is really going to buy this.

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just gonna put this out there - ya'll are on some next level of tom-foolery if you thought I was being serious the other night. I was drizzy and was making sweeping generalizations and calling everyone out cause it made me laugh. Guess some of ya'll caught feelings, which I apologize for, but not really.

I never took you seriously

were we suppose to?


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no, but certain people got butthurt, so I felt the obligation to issue some sort of ad-hoc apology or something like that. But I'm not really sorry because there's absolutely no reason anyone should've gotten so heated over nothing. Sorry if I didn't put (10) on all my posts. Guess mods wanted me to "chill out" or something like that. They just don't understand how serious I am all the time.


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was is a mandatory part of your reinstatement to give a public apology?

why is sounddumber still banned?

that's not wavy.


bring back sounddumber

that's that dude.

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