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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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i wasnt beefing. du was talking head about whit so i just cracked the whip. not surprised about soundbroker ban but FREE JEEP. HIS PEOPLE HAVE BEEN PERSECUTED ENOUGH. kid was just talking out his butt abit is all.

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I still thought you looked super duper cute. I was almost gonna pick those gap shorts up for a baggier alternative to my uniqlo ones. I'm always jealous of those shoes. I wanted to buy em' when i saw them on some store but they didn't have my size. I wish all you canadians didn't have bitch feet (uh oh calling out canada again. i'm as good as banned)

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i got lost in the beef >: 0


Truth is, this afternoon (CET) I was thinking about how nobody gets away with silver shoes under shorts except you.

Btw how are they holding? I saw someone in silver shoes that were worn to pieces and it looked very good. It's what I'll do with mine.

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Guest jmatsu



this has got some serious the hills have eyes creepiness going on.

my friend saw this and said that he'd hit on her if he was drunk enough. i asked him what his opening line would be.

"excuse me miss, i was just wondering, but what is your mutant super power?"

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