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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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I get mine the fast way, ski mask way

Make money

Make money, money, money

nigga if you ask me

It's the only way

Take money

Take money, money, money

take that shit off, move!! i break u off properly:cool:

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so take off legwarmer

I'm on that leggings under shorts high fashunz tip

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What's wrong with this picture and particular style, can you give specifics? (full disclosure; I'm the guy on the left). I'm not looking for a fight and frankly wouldn't change the way I dress but I'm curious...

its not the style per se

just that the stylezeitgeist crowd gets a bit... zealous (?) sometimes.

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What's wrong with this picture and particular style, can you give specifics? (full disclosure; I'm the guy on the left). I'm not looking for a fight and frankly wouldn't change the way I dress but I'm curious...

My 2cents: Fuuma, I see nothing wrong with you. Two in the middle don't carry the baggy-pants tucked into boots thing well. Guy on right's coat doesn't suit him and makes him look caricaturish. Upside: blond man's leather looks great.

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