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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Julius scarf/wrap

Acne suit jacket

Rick Owens tank | sweater

April77 jeans


Ann D~ high sneaks

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For the sake of putting it out there,

Whitney has a really dreamy bod.

for the sake of putting it out there,

whitney has a very typical slim asian bod

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I think it looks fine but I don't understand why people (I'm generalizing) drop serious $$ on every aspect of their outfit then rock April77's. They are the cheapest pants I've ever handled.

I never buy mine retail. On sale/off supermarket, they're the best pants that fit me the way I want at that price point.

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It is not cheaping out...all tight black jeans pretty much look the same. No need to spend $300 when you can achieve the same look for $100. With that extra $200 you can invest more into a worth while piece like a jacket.

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