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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Panic you remind me of my boss minus the intense facial hair when i interned at Club21.

lol you in Asia? A girl i know has been working there (HK offices though, so not main HQ), havent seen/spoken in a while so dont know if shes still there. Apparently she was getting paid peanuts and the overall job sucked.

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disgruntled boutique employees in Asia...if there's one type of salesperson I'd have thought had gone extinct it would've been that. Ever since the floodgates of China opened, in the past few years never encountered any bad service even in boutiques that were previously notorious for having such vibes. Now any random nondescript guy walking in with an undershirt, dockers type trousers and asics running shoes could be the same dude walking out with shopping bags by the boatload.

if anything it seems that generally the people who go shopping well dressed in designer duds are the ones who often just go there to look around, from my observation.

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I don't like passing under the radar. Whats wrong with the shoes, tell meeee. They're Tod's.

*sthigh* ....ok...there's nothing "wrong" with the shoes...but when you're 5-foot-nothing and tucking your jeans into high boots, you just look ridiculous....and short guys should not be wearing long coats...yours makes you look like a goth-leprechaun ... and maybe you should reconsider the jeans; a straight cut jean that's a little looser would lengthen your frame...it would also make it so that your shoes aren't the focal point

....now f-in' pay me, advice ain't free foo!

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I can't stand most straight legs, I didn't know the rule about boots in jeans as a short guy but I can see how it may look off-putting and might consider selling my boots, hmm.

I like the coat, I think short girls look fine with coats, don't see why short guys should be any different.

One thing I'd like to say, I don't believe you should dress to look 'normal', because really, what is normal? Buying clothes to make myself taller is like buying books to make people think I'm smart, it's trickery and I don't really agree with that. I'm happy with being short and will wear things that I like, even if they make me look as short as *gasp* I really am.

I wonder how much neg rep I can accumulate.. I've certainly done well for myself, without actually doing anything.

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One thing I'd like to say, I don't believe you should dress to look 'normal', because really, what is normal? Buying clothes to make myself taller is like buying books to make people think I'm smart, it's trickery and I don't really agree with that. I'm happy with being short and will wear things that I like, even if they make me look as short as *gasp* I really am.

These two things are not even close to analogous. Buying clothes with an awareness of your body and what does and does not flatter it is far from buying books for show; I cannot fathom how you perceive it as a form of deception. Wearing clothes that fit your body type shows a self-awareness, aesthetic devotion and an attention to details that I would, in fact, expect from a well read person. You're not tricking people into thinking your not short, you're just not intentionally making yourself look shorter. There's nothing wrong with being happy and short per se, but there is no reason to accentuate it. That is simply poor sartorial judgment.

With all that said, I do agree that short guys can SOMETIMES pull off long coats. But most certainly not with tucked boots. But at least your belt isn't hanging two feet down.

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These two things are not even close to analogous. Buying clothes with an awareness of your body and what does and does not flatter it is far from buying books for show; I cannot fathom how you perceive it as a form of deception. Wearing clothes that fit your body type shows a self-awareness, aesthetic devotion and an attention to details that I would, in fact, expect from a well read person. You're not tricking people into thinking your not short, you're just not intentionally making yourself look shorter. There's nothing wrong with being happy and short per se, but there is no reason to accentuate it. That is simply poor sartorial judgment.

With all that said, I do agree that short guys can SOMETIMES pull off long coats. But most certainly not with tucked boots. But at least your belt isn't hanging two feet down.

Well I like a little from column A and a little from column B. I was once told I should wear pointy shoes as they make me look taller, this is the kind of advice that I scowl over, utter crap. But I agree, it makes my mid-leg section very small as both of these items are fighting for the space.

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disgruntled boutique employees in Asia...if there's one type of salesperson I'd have thought had gone extinct it would've been that. Ever since the floodgates of China opened, in the past few years never encountered any bad service even in boutiques that were previously notorious for having such vibes. Now any random nondescript guy walking in with an undershirt, dockers type trousers and asics running shoes could be the same dude walking out with shopping bags by the boatload.

if anything it seems that generally the people who go shopping well dressed in designer duds are the ones who often just go there to look around, from my observation.

the last few times I stayed in a hotel I noticed that the housekeepers were from china..I've always stayed in the same hotel at Jordan

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I don't like passing under the radar. Whats wrong with the shoes, tell meeee. They're Tod's.
Well I like a little from column A and a little from column B. I was once told I should wear pointy shoes as they make me look taller, this is the kind of advice that I scowl over, utter crap. But I agree, it makes my mid-leg section very small as both of these items are fighting for the space.
I can't stand most straight legs, I didn't know the rule about boots in jeans as a short guy but I can see how it may look off-putting and might consider selling my boots, hmm.

I like the coat, I think short girls look fine with coats, don't see why short guys should be any different.

One thing I'd like to say, I don't believe you should dress to look 'normal', because really, what is normal? Buying clothes to make myself taller is like buying books to make people think I'm smart, it's trickery and I don't really agree with that. I'm happy with being short and will wear things that I like, even if they make me look as short as *gasp* I really am.

I wonder how much neg rep I can accumulate.. I've certainly done well for myself, without actually doing anything.


Stop asking for advice if you have no intention of listening. And sawyer's right, your hair cut is Supercuts-status retarded. And what the hell does them being Tod's have to do with anything? Ugly shoes that make you look like a gremlin, regardless of who makes them, are still ugly shoes that make you look like a gremlin. Do the responsible thing by sitting down, taking some notes, and not posting anything until you've read it over a few times and it doesn't leave the taste of bitchassness if your mouth.

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I am really shocked by how tan ledger's legs are. like any proper goth ninja, I was expecting a glimpse of blindingly white internet-tanned legs... but they're so GOLDEN. ledger... do you go outside... in the sun?

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I can't stand most straight legs, I didn't know the rule about boots in jeans as a short guy but I can see how it may look off-putting and might consider selling my boots, hmm.

I like the coat, I think short girls look fine with coats, don't see why short guys should be any different.

One thing I'd like to say, I don't believe you should dress to look 'normal', because really, what is normal? Buying clothes to make myself taller is like buying books to make people think I'm smart, it's trickery and I don't really agree with that. I'm happy with being short and will wear things that I like, even if they make me look as short as *gasp* I really am.

I wonder how much neg rep I can accumulate.. I've certainly done well for myself, without actually doing anything.

Oh lordy......kid's these days.

Look, you wanted some advice on your latest waywt and you got it. Being short is not your problem...theres alot of people on SuFu that are about your size and dress well...your problem is that you refuse to see you own limitations...you got the Napolean short-man syndrome!!..I bet you think that you are one rebellious little badass....well you're not....and you won't defy any short-man stereotypes by dressing up in costume and pretending to pull off an outfit that screams wannabe brooding gothninja....it just looks phony as hell....

With that said, I am, by no means, an authority on fashion...but I know a bad outfit when I see one. Your outfit failed for two reasons: 1) It doesn't suit your body type ... and 2) You don't really have the steeze to pull off the goth ninja.....I'm not saying you don't have any steeze...you might....who knows....all I'm saying is that maybe you should look at other options...I think maybe a Band of Outsiders/Patrik Ervell/Bernhard Willhelm/Steven Alan/Agnes B type of look would work better for you....look them up.....I'm trying to help you man!

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I'm not trying to be goth ninja, I'm not wearing all black like some of you, nor am I wearing lanvin sneakers or ann d or cloak or any of those brands. And I AGREE with most that was said, if you actually read what I wrote. Anyway, at this rate you'll probably disagree with me agreeing as it doesn't seem you paid any attention to what I've said.

I'm done talking.

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