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  malaesthetique said:
Your quite right, many statements in language resemble each other. You see, thats how grammar works! Though my comment might share a topographical similarity with the one you compared it to, I think it is a big more insightful and less rash. Its obvious that you have a chip on your shoulder which is not at all justified.

And my decision to use the word "Plebes" was a homage to your homeboy Clopek.

Yeah, its a pretty basic concept: Avoid tacky labels just as you would consciously not order crap beer at a nice restaurant. I never claimed it to be anything more grandiose. Now if you're destitute then I'm not gonna hate (this is my inner pragmatist speaking) but i think its safe to assume that all participants on this board have some excess scratch to invest in some decent sneakers. And if they don't they shouldn't be trying to play this game anyway--It will break them financially and cause them suffer the same pain and embarrassment you do.

And next time you choose to make russian literary references please don't do Dostoevsky--he's as played as shitty vans eras. Instead try working some Gogol into your would-be intellectual comedy routine. Now he's actually funny!

Should've went with your first instinct to cower. And theories ideally don't tolerate exceptions, be it sneakers or otherwise. You can either accept the validity of exception and toss the theory ALTOGETHER (thus my point about your desire for "artisan pantalons" not making sense) or be a weak ass pussy and make ad hoc excuses for why its okay to like vans eras.

It may be a matter of perspective, but that doesn't mean that both points of view are equally valid. One is clearly more mature and developed (mine), and the other is simply naive and immature. Your consumer behavior is not much better than a confused kid in a candy shop. Enjoy your bubble gum and try not to get it in your hair this time!


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  jeepster said:
Wait? How can literature be played? This makes no sense. Yes, certain literary circles don't necessarily follow it, and its not the choice du jour in literature right now (not that I follow what's "poppin" in literature these days), but how can you completely discount the entirety of all Russian literature? I see no logic in this statement/argument.

I get the whole shoe thing, but discounting an entire literary movement is kinda stupid (?)


It makes perfect sense. there have been many literary schools/groups/movements throughout history. The mere fact that they existed does not guarantee that they are equally entitled and relevant to contemporary discourse. Sure authors like dostoevsky get cred for implicitly laying out the principle concepts of existentialism in his stories, but if modern culture doesn't inherently cause one to think about those types of metaphysical issues and moral dilemmas then you are a sheltered idiot. Its pretty much abundant shit we should have absorbed first hand from experience. When I was young reading dostoevsky was important because where I grew up I needed confirmation that I wasn't strange for having those kinds of ideas and values. Nowadays it makes no sense because I've found people of the same disposition, and we don't sit around masturbating to Dostoevsky. And when I'm feeling really critical and want to explore the philosophical implications of such a world view I would rather read straight forward essays on the subject rather than cryptic and ambiguous literature. So yeah, when i hear people talk about Dostoevsky I kind of roll my eyes and think that its played. PREVIOUS LEVEL.

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holy shit you are a tremendous douche. "Dostoevsky is played."

How does anyone take you seriously? I think I've said it before, but you are one of the few people on this board that I would actually like to beat up just because of how big of a dork you are. And I like dorks.

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  Clopek said:
holy shit you are a tremendous douche. "Dostoevsky is played."

How does anyone take you seriously? I think I've said it before, but you are one of the few people on this board that I would actually like to beat up just because of how big of a dork you are. And I like dorks.

This is funny cause I could actually kick your ass.

Nothing True, Everything Permitted.

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You know, there is a romantic side to literature as well, right? Dostoevsky novels (or most all literature) wasn't meant to be straight philosophy. If it was, they would have written essays like you say you prefer reading. There is more to get out of novels by most authors. Also, don't bring up 19th cent russian history, censorship, underground movements, etc to try and stump me as i am more familiar with it than most here.

People here know there is a difference between philosophy and literature right? Ok. Just making sure.

carry on with whatever vans discussion was happening.

also, congratulations kodiak. You now have clothes that don't fit you awkwardly. Now work on looking at least semi-interesting.

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  kixslf said:
what about haskalah?

he's a jew. of course shit's played.

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  malaesthetique said:
but if one is attempting to "craft" a humorous dramatic and sarcastic response Gogol seems like the more appropriate reference to make--thats all.

Right, that's entirely true, but I referenced Weil, not Dostoevsky. Weil being one of the most pretentious references I can think of off the top of my head.

I also feel no shame about referencing big D, were I to do so. We're coming from separate areas, you're a philosophy student, you'd prefer an essay on the subject. To you Dostoevsky is useful only as a footnote. I'm not a Lit. student, but it is my main interest. To me the philosophy of Dostoevsky is secondary to his power as a storyteller and stylist.

You're confrontational to the point of absurdism.

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please hali, stop stooping to his level. just say you fuck hotter girls than him and that his arms are hairy and bony and be done with it.

lets focus one something way more awesome...REAL LIFE HALO COMBAT SUITS


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  malaesthetique said:
It makes perfect sense. there have been many literary schools/groups/movements throughout history. The mere fact that they existed does not guarantee that they are equally entitled and relevant to contemporary discourse. Sure authors like dostoevsky get cred for implicitly laying out the principle concepts of existentialism in his stories, but if modern culture doesn't inherently cause one to think about those types of metaphysical issues and moral dilemmas then you are a sheltered idiot. Its pretty much abundant shit we should have absorbed first hand from experience. When I was young reading dostoevsky was important because where I grew up I needed confirmation that I wasn't strange for having those kinds of ideas and values. Nowadays it makes no sense because I've found people of the same disposition, and we don't sit around masturbating to Dostoevsky. And when I'm feeling really critical and want to explore the philosophical implications of such a world view I would rather read straight forward essays on the subject rather than cryptic and ambiguous literature. So yeah, when i hear people talk about Dostoevsky I kind of roll my eyes and think that its played. PREVIOUS LEVEL.

ok this was a lot of posturing right here. Its not played, that can't make sense. Obviously the "discourse" of popular literature has moved away from the style and philosophy, but something that has had such a large impact on writing and is still taught as viable and extremely potent/important literary history as well as theory and practice cannot be "played". thats like saying the bible could be revised. or we can learn nothing more from the Dead Sea Scrolls.

posture posture posture and no substance.

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okokok, hold on . . . if it takes a 150 pound suit that you can barely walk in to stop a grizzly attack (fig. 1 bear2.jpg) but only a 50 pound suit that you can move freely in to stop terrorists (fig. 2 0702_1.JPG) i feel there's a pretty obvious example with how to deal with terrorists.

introduce grizzly bears to afghanistan and iraq. war's over baby.

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