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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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skul2- Hahaha. all those fits fucking suck something fierce.. You may have a chance despite your outfit looking stupid. You should've added a big necklace that way you could've completed the try too hard look. cheap looking argyle, chuck tuck, stupid hat? C'mon, mayne

edit: out of rep at the moment, but neg coming soon for not blowing the spot since a sufu person (not me though) probably could've won that easy if that was the competition

I would like to go on the record as solidly endorsing the Chuck tuck hate.

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A combination of streetwear, high-end fashion, vintage and thrift. I believe in wearing what's comfortable to you as opposed to what's comfortable to your peers.

There's a thin line between letting your peers dress you and letting you do you.

Try my best to be on that thin line.

You may as well just do the video WAYWT now.

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