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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)(I'm also predisposed to many cancers)

This is a great line. I will use it in the future.

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Yo, look at that Laotian tourist doing his thing in that alley!

That alley isn't even famous!


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sorry julz. those pants suck.

lol :( i felt like trying something different!

julz, trash your pant ;) , wear a jean instead, and an old one, BBQ ain't good for jeans ahah.

haha...it was fine, i dont hold kids. i dont bbq. they didnt get dirty, my shoe broke tho.

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i KNOW they caaaannnn... but i have an "abnormal" aka allergic reaction to the medicine that they provide. the dr.s suggest that i get my thyroid gland removed when i'm 25 or so...

right now i'm supposed to be on a strict diet... i basically eat 5 times a day...

Seriously, whatever you do don't get the radioactive iodine, which is what they use to basically destroy your thyroid gland - unless it's actually life threatening. When Diamonds was in the hospital the doctor thought he has hyperthyroidism so I read everything I could about it...apparently in North America everyone runs to do the radioactive Iodine which will give you a life long case of hypothyroidism, which really sucks. There are a bunch of new medicines they're trying out and stuff that are testing well and stuff...removing the thyroid gland is the worst.

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