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help me decide which shoes to get!?!


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alright so...im in the market for some new shoes...preferably hightop

i think ive narrowed it down to three...let me know if you can think of any others that might fit the criteria...but also help me decide which one of these i should get:

PF Flyers Glide White/Green


Vans white chukka (rippin SycNoMore)


Vans Sk8Hi in no specific color but i like this one


So i've been eyeing all three...and im leaning towards the PF Flyers but wanted peoples' opinions before i bought them. let me know

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I like the shape of the PFs much more than the others.

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hmm..ill be very closely considering it over the next few hours. idk though, really lovin the white and green. just looks so clean and classsic.

but yeah PF Flyer makes some dope ass shoes. I have a couple pairs of the Number 5's, one of em in the tyvek which is lined with japanese denim. when i saw it i was like...WATTTTTT and bought it right away. one of my favorite shoes ever

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I swear to god if I see one more of these which shoe should I get threads I'm going to flip out and insist that Minya make a "which one of [x] should I get" thread like they have in Super Denim.

You know what, Minya should make a "Which one of [x] should I get" threads, since apparently the "small questions" thread does not sufficiently describe it's purpose for most people.

I don't get the point of these anyway, do people really need the internet to affirm their choice in shoes badly enough to start about a thread a day on them?

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