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blah blah blah blah blah fuuuuuuuuccccck shit shit shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! godamnit!!!!! somedays i wake up and i want to shoot myself !


went fishing today didn't catch anything god hates me

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Yo, when I was younger, blood would fall out of my nose by the pint -- randomly.

I'd be talking up a storm and then out of the no where, blood. Enough of it to make a good sound splattering on the floor. Walk down the hall to the nurse looking like I got took.

Also, I need to figure out how to play Resident Evil 5 without spending money/more money than I can.

Resident Evil 4 is one of my favoritest games ever.

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wow weird i know like 2 people that have their birthday on st. patrick's day
19 years old today.

Time passes too fast

Yo, when I was younger, blood would fall out of my nose by the pint -- randomly.

I'd be talking up a storm and then out of the no where, blood. Enough of it to make a good sound splattering on the floor. Walk down the hall to the nurse looking like I got took.

what the fuck?

in grade school, I knew this guy that always got nosebleeds. doesn't sound as bad as yours, but he wore tall white tees all the time and shit looked like he got stabbed every other day

then he bled all over the desk and shit

he stuffed that hard, brown paper into his nose and the whole thing turned red

so one time, he got suspended because he took his shirt off because there was so much blood on it.


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i get at least 1 nosebleed a day

usually when im washing my face i will put my glasses on and realize my hands and face are covered in blood

or ill wake up covered in blood

or just randomly too

wow thats kinda odd. tell your doctor about it?

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i get at least 1 nosebleed a day

usually when im washing my face i will put my glasses on and realize my hands and face are covered in blood

or ill wake up covered in blood

or just randomly too

yeah, this is kind of strange. I thought I got a lot of nosebleeds (about 2-3 times a week), but everyday? shiettttttt

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My friend who I've never seen cry in the 15 years I've known him was crying for at least 4 hours after getting his nose cauterized. Apparently they missed the first time, and had to redo it, and the miss also caused something in the other side to burst so they had to do it a total of 3 times.

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been thinking a lot about getting a tattoo recently. i love the idea of it and can't really think of a tattoo i would prefer. for those of you who've gotten one did you have any kind of doubt? not sure if I should just wait a while and see how i feel. part of me wants to just go for it.

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tattoo=go for it

the way technology is advancing you'll be able to buy a removal cream for that shit before you know it... even now you can get that shit removed if you've got a little bit of cash.

and Austin,TX/St Patricks Day/ SXSW is effin amazing

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its only the second day after my graduation and i feel lost. like i don't have anything to look forward to, as i do usually. this sudden change of routine after 3 years is affecting me pretty bad.

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