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A thought just dawned on me that irked me a bit. I'm conflicted on how I feel about people who refuse to give homeless people aid unless its from a personally bought meal, as to avoid the possibility that he/she will buy drugs or alcohol with it.

help people, but only if you're getting your moneys worth...

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What's wrong with getting your money's worth? Capitalism basically relies on that shit, bro. You might as well flush a couple bucks down the toilet and hope some homeless dude will fish it out of the sewers and buy himself whatever he needs. Or you might buy him a super expensive meal with low nutritious value from some restaurant. Getting your moneys worth = efficiency, whatever your romantic ideals might tell you.

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I'm just the type that believes if you're gonna do a good deed, just do it. What if the guy just ate and isn't in need of food, but rather needs it to buy food at a later time.

Honestly, most times when I give money (which isn't very often, I'm no mother teresa), I give it regardless if I think it'll go to food or something "worth my money".

The guy/girl is homeless, what do you think a single meal is going to do for them aside from maybe temporary happiness? That single donation isn't going to his/her collection towards a new house or a suit for a job, more often then not, they'll stay in their situation regardless of a meal or two. That's why I don't mind if they buy drugs/alcohol. If they choose drugs over buying themselves a meal, I guess it brings them more happiness than buying food, and that's their decision. Ultimately I give so he/she can do with the money whatever brings them personal comfort in their unfortunate lives.

Mind you, this is all coming from a guy who took a personality test and got career recommendations like "Counselor" and "Social Worker".... sometimes compassionate supersedes logic/rationality for me.

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I give them change and a lollipop (always carry some in my backpack). The change may not be much, but they can spend it on whatever. The lollipop is one of those superfluous things that I hope makes them smile.

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