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Waking at 4 in the morning with a mouthful of blood is fucked.

Fuck you wisdom teeth, may you rot in the surgical bucket where you now reside.

Funny story, when I got my wisdom teeth out, and I regained consciousness from whatever they used to out me under, I was still very woozy and completely out of it. Apparently, I refused to leave the dentist's chair until they "gave me my teeth back."

Needless to say, sitting across from me on a shelf now is a jar with all four of my wisdom teeth still sitting in it.

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droid x or incredible?

if you want the galaxy s on verizon, the "fascinate" is supposed to be coming out fairly soon

i'm not a huge fan of the x, mostly cuz i think it's too damn big and it has a locked bootloader so custom roms are going to be a pain. the incredible is a good phone, but i would rather go with the samsung because it has better specs and the screen is awesome

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Damn this band that's in the studio rehearsing right now is pretty good! Sort of a slightly slower Slayer-y vibe (I don't know much metal so I'm making the best comparison I can think of).

Idk random thought.

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why the fuck is sufu still broken. posts still disappear after editing. search function still does not work. and there are superfuture "black holes", or whatever's on that 401 page, everywhere (eg links in +reps)

supertrash still does not move as fast as it used to and half the consistent posters have been banned. i still dont understand why there is a 4.0. was it to add the new sufu shop (that still only has maps) and one more place for a banner?

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Damn this band that's in the studio rehearsing right now is pretty good! Sort of a slightly slower Slayer-y vibe (I don't know much metal so I'm making the best comparison I can think of).

Idk random thought.

Sludge doom metalz?
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My macbook pro trackpad just stopped single clicking out of no where. Have to use the tap tap function for everything. Which makes clicking and dragging hell. Less then a month out of warrantee, figures.

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My macbook pro trackpad just stopped single clicking out of no where. Have to use the tap tap function for everything. Which makes clicking and dragging hell. Less then a month out of warrantee, figures.

just take it back in, they'll probably fix it. my macbook was so fucked up a month out of warranty and they just gave me a new macbook. i also give the geniuses the look of death if they say they can't fix things. this approach usually works too.

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'facebook places' just shat on foursquare

and the logo is a basically a 4.

in a square.

yes! more useless bullshit to pop up in my feed.

oh, you're at chick-fil-a? cool



oh ok, now you 'like' that chick-fil-a

oh and theres a facebook event on the chick-fil-a fb page for that chick-fil-a

oh and you're tagged in the chick-fil-a opening event party photo that you just 'checked-in' at?

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I knew it was a bad idea to ask, though I did anyway.

Dreaded "how many guys before me" question...

I had a feeling she had a bit of history, but what can you do. I don't like the number, especially for her age, 20. She says obviously none of those people matter anymore, and she was a much different person then.

I really do love her a lot, can see us being together for a long, long time, but ever since she told me it's been constantly on my mind.

Have I doomed this relationship by asking? Or am I just overreacting and should move on, everyone does things...

It will only retract from the discussion if I don't say the amount, i'm #12.

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i think it's a legit concern.

past does define character and i'm sure if you stay with her there'll be lots of awkward moments with her past.

that being said, i dont think any of us can tell you what to do. you'll just have to decide whether or not this bothers you so much that you'll want to leave a girl that you think is that great.

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i think it's a legit concern.

past does define character and i'm sure if you stay with her there'll be lots of awkward moments with her past.

that being said, i dont think any of us can tell you what to do. you'll just have to decide whether or not this bothers you so much that you'll want to leave a girl that you think is that great.

What exactly do you mean by awkward moments...?

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the number only matters if a) she got an std during the process or B) she cheated on boyfriends a lot. otherwise it shouldnt concern you.

....which is what everyone tells you, but the reality of the situation is no guy really wants to imagine his girl with another guy - it takes away from some of the intimacy. unfortunately you are just going to have to come to terms with it. think of it that it was all practice to make sure you guys have a good sex life in your current relationship.

also, has she had sex with more people than you?

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the number only matters if a) she got an std during the process or B) she cheated on boyfriends a lot. otherwise it shouldnt concern you.

....which is what everyone tells you, but the reality of the situation is no guy really wants to imagine his girl with another guy - it takes away from some of the intimacy. unfortunately you are just going to have to come to terms with it. think of it that it was all practice to make sure you guys have a good sex life in your current relationship.

also, has she had sex with more people than you?

Ughhhhh on the first part.

Yes on the latter question

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^ shouldn't have asked that question man. the past is the past. once you find out that information something changes. i'd rather just not know. she's with me now and that's all that matters. she pulls any shenanigans then clearly she doesn't deserve so kick her to the curb.

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