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  Clopek said:
oh yeah, also this kid my friends got high with was a little weird, and we all called him squirrely matt. one night my friends packed a huge bong with salvia and told him it was weed and he had a huge panic attack, and then someone pissed in his shampoo and he used that shit for MONTHS

i dont wanna be that guy

but fuck dude you shouldnt do that kind of shit with psychedelics

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  amardeep said:
how old is too old to be taking music lessons?

i want to learn to play the violin but feel like it's a little late to just jump into that, along with the fact that school takes a lot of my time so I'd only be able to take lessons maybe once a week

I've had people in their 60s pick things up just fine.

In fact I'm going to go our on a limb and say that the worst time to learn, (if you're a male) is between the age of 18 and 30, as it probably means either a) you'll be an arrogant moron who thinks you can learn it yourself and three years down the line will have some poor teacher trying to fix your shit technique or B) realise how hard it is and quit after two weeks.

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  Double D said:
I've had people in their 60s pick things up just fine.

In fact I'm going to go our on a limb and say that the worst time to learn, (if you're a male) is between the age of 18 and 30, as it probably means either a) you'll be an arrogant moron who thinks you can learn it yourself and three years down the line will have some poor teacher trying to fix your shit technique or B) realise how hard it is and quit after two weeks.


but jimmy hendrix...


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Last night I was in bed for about 10 minutes when all of a sudden the ceiling light turned on. I got up and looked around the room, then checked all over my apartment to make sure no one was in there and of course no one was and the door was chained and dead bolted. It definitely freaked me out and I hope there's some logical, scientific, electrical-malfunction, explanation.

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  amardeep said:
how old is too old to be taking music lessons?

i want to learn to play the violin but feel like it's a little late to just jump into that, along with the fact that school takes a lot of my time so I'd only be able to take lessons maybe once a week


  stuntastic said:
Fuck you Whole Foods.

I've applied a shit load of times, and they still haven't called me back.

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. The work hunt continues.


also, did they really have to change the name of this thread?

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  Double D said:
I've had people in their 60s pick things up just fine.

In fact I'm going to go our on a limb and say that the worst time to learn, (if you're a male) is between the age of 18 and 30, as it probably means either a) you'll be an arrogant moron who thinks you can learn it yourself and three years down the line will have some poor teacher trying to fix your shit technique or B) realise how hard it is and quit after two weeks.

definitely lived B a couple years ago with my guitar & piano

probably will live B again with this violin soon

feel like the only du that can't play any instrument

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is anyone knowledgeable in european history? i gotta answer a short answer question and i don't really go to class. anyone helps gets samsikle +rep!

short answer: Explain the main changes/differences in government, society, economy between Europe of the Roman times, and Europe in the 800's and 900's.

plz halp!

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  Hendodo said:
dennys tomorrow!!! free grand slamz!!

i saw these two commercials during the super bowl...free grand slam tomorrow, and another free grand slam on your birthday.

tomorrow is my birthday :mad:

on another note, todays fortune cookie said tomorrow will be a five-star day. lets see what happens.

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this guy in my creative writing workshop really took it hard when people pointed out the things that they thought weren't working in his story. he looked like he was holding back tears actually. then after all the peer comments, he had a chance to speak and he went on a long revelation of the interworkings of his mind and what he had been trying to accomplish in specific parts of the story.

it was really awkward.

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