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Random Thoughts...

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I had the weirdest dream last night. From what I can remember it started out with me and some chick in a tank of sorts entertaining vikings, but we were some kind of mermaid like creature. then all of sudden there's like and earthquake or something and this ice wall breaks down and we go there and discover this futuristic society and shit. Once we get there I see my friend and we're all normal people now so we take this mag lev subway train, which happens to be train 1, and go somewhere. I remember being pissed off because I had to pay $32 USD for it, which makes no sense because I from like viking times. Then we start warping through time, and each time the whole world changes slightly based off of the previous realities, there was a huge George W. Bush marble library constructed in one of the cities. And for some reason we realize that the true magic or what not lies in the center of the planets, and we somehow get teleported from a lab to the center of the earth when it was just forming and we get attacked by skeleton monsters,but then we warp into an arena and the skeleton monsters are there. And then I just start jumping a lot on a double decker bus.

And that's all I can remember because after that I woke up because I had to pee. I have no idea if there is any meaning of some kind behind that.

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I always feel I can nearly read Dutch when I look at it, all the words seem achingly close to being real words...

get ready for more.


F & S are deeply embarrassed.

all God wanted was to let him dangle over the balcony edge a bit. He accidentally dropped him.

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if i were a bear i`d be the greatest of all with a speech like god so dark and fore-boding, standing up Tall from the

top of that hill i’d growl up your fears from down below they`re restless spinnin round......

twisting, hungry spitting tongues are restless; hands they never sleep:D

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