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Random Thoughts...

fade to black2

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i would keep them in a jar for my viewing, altho u could borrow them if u wanted. the kids of course.

but i fear the computers will take us over, so really, they wont need us, now will they?

yesterday morning, grazing under the constituent of interactively exploring human sexuality,

i came.

to Realize that, in the future .. . the only time in which a female

will remain good and beautiful are during the moments in between the birth

and around 3 to 4 years of age (.46 large dog years,) or 5(.5 LDY) years (depending

mostly upon

the amounts of diluted insoluables (chicken-nugget hormones and artificial proteins.)

this of course, is the number of years in which it: takes said female to

reach the height of a table, which in turn houses a neat, prepped computer console package, or

Desktop Computer.

if i ever was to bare a woman child (or two or Three), i maintain the sincerest desire to preserve her

in this state i plan to... invent a table. a table with the cranial capacity for fine-tuning

its own gravity. of course, prototypes would be tuned manually i would adjust the

height of the table at a rate to mimic that of my daughter`s own bone growths. she

would know nothing of ``Ladders`` or ``Laptops`` because i will for-bid the etter ``L.``

she would grow and grow, through adolescence upwards into second and Third adolescence or more politely, (womanhood)

never able to reach this computer she will remain my Sublime white rose kept, frozen, inside that

timebomb now called my ``heart.``

all of such completely farce however, you and i both know: that in the future we

will have advanced far beyond the need for daughters, and tables too.

merely exposing atypical perverse fancies that leap

across fences in my head like emaciated sheep.

counting them backwards from infinity is what keeps me from cumming.

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and i got a job, working for mickeys uncle.

all i had to do was show up.

i know hes gna pay me really well and it isnt going to be a hard job at all.

just have to start sleeping earlier. like now. =/

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what do you call those wedge soles that come on Red Wings, workboots, the like? I'd look in superdenim but frankly that place scares me now.

Also, where can i buy those soles?

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im not sure if you have any right to laugh at someones game...?

Nah mah du this niggas just bullshitting and hes sober! he tried to cap'n save a hoe with the girl im talkin with like "yeah i work with eurijah faber" bitch looked at him was like nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

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Alright so some crazy shit just happend if any of u guys live in the sacramento area look out for the morning news(or 10'cloxk news) i just got interviewed n shit but i was spouting off some pretty offensive shit so they might just edit me out but its in the antelope areA.

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i already got something better than that actually. i think i'll get a second hand NAD C320 amp with Triangle 202 comete speakers.




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these look good and seems to have good review, very tempting...

the thing is that i would like to plug my xbox 360, my macbook, turntable and maybe another laptop and being able to switch between them with a remote. and since my budget is bigger than £200 i want to invest in some decent hifi that i could keep for years.

hard choice.

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I have a weird setup that works well for me, I have a pair of powered Yamaha studio monitors plugged into this old Stanton box that has a bunch of phono inputs. No remote and no switching between sources but apart from volume, there's no need to as anything can play through the speakers without switching.

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