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My dog nearly hung himself today. I don't know how the fuck he did it, but he managed to get tangled up in the curtain cords suspended 5 feet on the air by his neck. I was taking a nap - it was about 2 in the afternoon - and I woke up to a sound that I seriously thought was a family of raccoons clawing on my windows. It was my dog yelping, and he was yelping so loud that my neighbors who live on the other side of the block came to see if things were okay. He was pissing all over the floor and his eyes were almost popping out of his eye sockets - had I been a few minutes slow to wake up or had been out playing hoops as I had planned to do so earlier that day, he would've died - choked to death right in the middle of our living room.

My dog's alright, but this whole incident left a considerably shitty impression on me. I'm no dog freak or anything, but to see something struggling and flailing about on an impromptu noose - literally minutes away from dying - was an indescribably grotesque sight. Fuck.

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if i saw my dog like that i'd probably puke and cry.. i love my dawg

My dog nearly hung himself today. I don't know how the fuck he did it, but he managed to get tangled up in the curtain cords suspended 5 feet on the air by his neck. I was taking a nap - it was about 2 in the afternoon - and I woke up to a sound that I seriously thought was a family of raccoons clawing on my windows. It was my dog yelping, and he was yelping so loud that my neighbors who live on the other side of the block came to see if things were okay. He was pissing all over the floor and his eyes were almost popping out of his eye sockets - had I been a few minutes slow to wake up or had been out playing hoops as I had planned to do so earlier that day, he would've died - choked to death right in the middle of our living room.

My dog's alright, but this whole incident left a considerably shitty impression on me. I'm no dog freak or anything, but to see something struggling and flailing about on an impromptu noose - literally minutes away from dying - was an indescribably grotesque sight. Fuck.

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so i went to court yesterday for a ticket i got on 06/30/08.

my court day was originally in november, but i changed it in october to 06/01/09. i guess i the cop forgot or something cause he didn't show up!

my case was dismissed+$159 refund. yess! :> :>

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the fuck outta here

i'll trade you for funyuns

Fuck I love funyuns, but they are no where to be found here

In all seriousness I think a food trade would be cool for shit people love from other countries, everyone gets mad cravings for " that thing I had when I went to ( insert place here)"

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