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This motherfucker tried to pass this shirt off as BRAND NEW /W TAGS. Package arrives and I see this shit.




Dirty ass motherfucker, and the tag wasn't even attached properly. I told him to refund me 50% of the funds sent.

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Why I cant stop skipping class

Why dont astronauts just throw a 2 billion dollar camera into a black hole so they can just see what really happens?

If the twilight zone episodes on my computer really DID fry my hard drive

Orange Juice

How hard 9 am classes in digital labs suck.

Puppies. Always


I do know what a black hole is. RANDOM THOUGHTS DEWD.

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found some shit from when I was freestyle battling some guy IM

wasup marcus, you wanna battle? fine

you ready to see me fuck shit up with this rhyme?

I'll start poppin shit off like explosive diarrhea

my rhymes are grittier than gonorrhea

I'm givin your girl the rod

while you stay at home watering your ch-ch-ch-chia

please don't fux with me-ah, I know I'm just a novice

but son, you don't want to step into my office

when the bomb hits, you be less dust than lou rawls is

the fire I spit is deadlier than north/south korean border

I bring the order, when I fuxs with the mortar

droppin shells like koopa troopa

coppin that phat ass like strip club poopah

don't know bout you but I like that shaved FUPA

hit by hit I'm taking from the hookah

as I give you the bullet, I'm fuckin with the moola

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so fucking bored and hungry. nothing to eat either. plus gossip girl was lame. i probably wont eat again in the next 16 hours either. i probably wont shower again till thursday. spring break is next week and my biggest plans are to finish a book, havent even picked one out yet. my headphones are hurting my ear so i stopped listening to music. im bored of the comic im reading right now but wont pick up another till ive finished it. went to nyc last week, so depressing going from soho to where i live.

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my mom was chatting with me on facebook lol


and doctor appointment is 1:40

how is your elephant hand?(referring to my cast, I had surgery)



it is cute

very ye tuong (vietnamese for cute)

what is mommy doing

8:36pm (I then go for a jog and forgot to say bye)


chat with you

very de thuong

you so cute



how was econ and statistic?

where are MY HONEY?






8:51pm Mom is offline.

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