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Random Thoughts...

fade to black2

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my moms studied to be a chief, and work in that field for a part of her life.

she likes giving me related drinking/eating things for xmas.

yesterday i was watching that french movie on tv... makes me wanna go to france, just live the life.. seems like my wine would be better there.

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This black dude came into my work today, and was complaining about how this chick he helped through hard times and shit was pressing false charges against him claiming he tried to rape her when she was sleeping, all this after he had pressed charges against her in the first place for assaulting him with an iron rod and other things, so then he was taken off to jail. Then he showed us spread eagle pics she'd taken of herself and sent to his cellphone. Shit was so random. She was white btw.

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yo sidney, i fell my photography class in college :( (cause the schEdule sucks)

You good, mistakes make you more human like.... before i used to think u were a mutant

Teacher: Maude, your pictures are all out of focus.

Maude: Actually, I blame it on all the…nevermind.

p.s. Mutants are impervious to windchill and secondhand smoke. TRUTH.

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ok so im talking to my friends, while at work, and this one girl walks by wearing, what i consider to be one of the worst trends ever, sweatpants tucked into uggs. i then ask my friend what she thinks of this look. she proceeds to tell me how awesome it is, flooring me, she is telling me that not only is it comfortable but fashionable too. i tell her i dont like the look (sweat pants should never be worn with boots, and sweats should never be tucked into anything). then i get this whole thing about how im not a girl so i dont know girls fashions. i cut my losses and moved on but still.

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This black dude came into my work today, and was complaining about how this chick he helped through hard times and shit was pressing false charges against him claiming he tried to rape her when she was sleeping, all this after he had pressed charges against her in the first place for assaulting him with an iron rod and other things, so then he was taken off to jail. Then he showed us spread eagle pics she'd taken of herself and sent to his cellphone. Shit was so random. She was white btw.

yo you don't live in oakland do you

was he a scrawny black du

i know him

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