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im getting a cold.....

thought it was just going to be a sore throat for a few days after a hectic weekend, but no.....sniffles and shit now. fuck.

lol ignore that rep message I sent, looked like you haven't slept for a while in your last WAYWT but I guess you were just sick.

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im getting a cold.....

thought it was just going to be a sore throat for a few days after a hectic weekend, but no.....sniffles and shit now. fuck.

aw, me too! hate being sick, get better! :)

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lol ignore that rep message I sent, looked like you haven't slept for a while in your last WAYWT but I guess you were just sick.

you're right on both counts actually...crazy busy and somewhat messy weekend, followed by an assignment that beat me into the ground. fun times!

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through out history, on problem has plagued man: sticky balls due to humidity (in the pants).

you might see them; men taking wider strides or giving a little shake to adjust themselves. some use talcum powder, but most do not want that powdery balls, and dont think about getting sweaty, clumps galore. balls are one of gods great mysteries. why would he give us these attachments that are so tender and exposed to vulnerabilities? that require constant readjustment? persistant causer of high blood pressure. Treatment? ball desalination.

I wonder do ladies need to readjust their vag's or is that only after coitis

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for some reason i just remembered this one time in 7th grade, i forgot to do a poem assignment that was due that day so i took out a piece of paper, wrote my name on it and the titled it "invisible ink" left the rest of the page blank and turned it in. zingggggg

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That is cheeky samsikle, I like it. During my 2 month stint as a kindergarten teacher, the one lasting memory I made was when the kids would be ploying to run around the halls by asking if they could 'go drink water'... to which I would answer: "let me think about that......... um, no." This backfired on me about a week later when the kids figured it out and when to use it, and from then on it became the defacto response to every request made in my classroom. 'Suzy, eat your lunch' 'um let me think about that...... NO!' or 'Ryan, quit beating up on Tony' 'ok, let me think about that....... 'no!' followed by a crying 5 year old.

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i just realized that profmonituf hasnt been posting for a while, and i didn't notice. it feels a lot better without him, actually.

what i DID notice though is that soepom hasnt been posting food as much, especially her mom's cooking. the fact that she's in tokyo right now means that she should be posting 5x as much food. maybe not though, given that she normally lives in singapore :rolleyes:

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I broke up with my gf of 14 months this morning (actually for real this time) and I'm excited in what the future has in hold for me...

I might make the next girl take an IQ tests before actually getting into a relationship tho

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