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I just watched the Conversation few days ago. It could be a little boring but Hackman is fucking great in it (I had a conversation about him with a good friend who thought he was dead. He's not dead but he's 80, he also did 80 films. Crazy old fuck).

Saw A Prophet tonight. It's very good, leaning towards good. Acting is superb, so is the direction. It's a must see this year.

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Haven't sat in front of my TV in ages but managed to do: Before Sunset, House MD, Gossip Girl all in one shot.

In Before Sunset, there's a ridiculously long dialogue scene with no cuts in it. Very impressive. The chatter and Hawk's attractive co-star help out too.

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  polishmike said:
I just watched the Conversation few days ago. It could be a little boring but Hackman is fucking great in it (I had a conversation about him with a good friend who thought he was dead. He's not dead but he's 80, he also did 80 films. Crazy old fuck).

Saw A Prophet tonight. It's very good, leaning towards good. Acting is superb, so is the direction. It's a must see this year.

I loved the slight touches of 'imagination' (there's a better word) in that film, I liked The Secret of Her Eyes too, but A Prophet was equally as deserving - and white ribbon.

Actually, most of the movies within the foreign film category were better than any of the Hollywood ones this year..

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I was very skeptical about watching it at first but so glad I did. I watched the first and second, back to back, because I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and their different personalities and fight scenes.

Do it Samsikle, take the plunge! Oguri's character is pretty cool too. Reckless badass steeze.

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Alien Raiders. Awful title and movie poster so I'll use a still instead. Surprisingly good straight to dvd horror movie that def. took heavy influence from The Thing and The Mist(two of my favorites). Especially the small town grocery store setting.


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The Thing is one of my favorite horror movies. I first watched it with my dad when I was younger. I liked about the first half of The Mist, but the ending was totally retarded and unnecessary imo.

I've gone quite a while without watching a horror movie. They're my favorite too. I dled that "Don't Go In the House" that bouwnt posted too.

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The Thing > The Mist

but The Mist is still pretty cool

the ending of The Mist is too silly



im now going to post pics of The Thing cuz its awesome

and Kurt Russel is a badass as usual in this movie





stomach mouth was def craziest scene

i hear thers gunna be a sequel

im hoping its good

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