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  Mr Waffles said:
i always almost watch that on netflix.

Last night i watched some doc on obesity on netflix, was good. I thought of people losing limbs and shit because of diabetes at a young age is kind of intense.

i love watch instantly. what was the documentary called? it's been a while since i've watched one.

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just wondering, which sites do you guys use to stream/download movies? i suck when it comes to torrent or finding movies.

i've been wanting to watch this movie for a while but can't find it locally. if anyone can help with a site/link i would forever be indebted to you.


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I know you didn't ask me, but I really liked this movie, not overrated in my opinion. I liked how it was shot and the music was really excellent. Normally I don't enjoy movies where they mess with the chronology but it worked in GFE

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I enjoyed it, but it won't appeal to anyone who wants instant gratification.

It's very cleverly written and structured and beautiful to look at. A bit *too* beautiful maybe ... I found it somewhat over stylized, but on reflection I guess that just serves as another device to illustrate how vacuous the lives of the protagonists are.

Edit: Oh, And Sasha Grey's performance is intriguing. I kind of got the impression that she wasn't really acting but then she wasn't simply playing herself either ...

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sasha's acting was so static, it was like watching a talking mannequin. can't say the writing was clever either, there was hardly any indepth conversation. I have no strong feelings for the main charachter, I wanted her to get shitted on. Not good.

The shots where good and it was stylized.

This movie was solely "a look in the life".

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  Sayword said:
sasha's acting was so static, it was like watching a talking mannequin. can't say the writing was clever either, there was hardly any indepth conversation. I have no strong feelings for the main charachter, I wanted her to get shitted on. Not good.

The shots where good and it was stylized.

This movie was solely "a look in the life".

I thought about it for a min, there was some interesting conversation. But there is nothing really rememberable about the movie, and the characters are definitely forgettable.

But it is worth a watch.

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  Sayword said:
I thought about it for a min, there was some interesting conversation. But there is nothing really rememberable about the movie, and the characters are definitely forgettable.

But it is worth a watch.

hi, it should be noted that it was 85% improvised... a lot of the interaction felt really really awkward and almost painful. like the first scene in the restaurant- waiter asks dude if he decided on a wine yet and, dude says "yeah" but then takes a mintiue to look over the menu and finally says "oh i'll just have a red", it ends up sounding totally unorganized and amateur

also a lot of people thought it was way to tame and not enough sex and they don't realized sasha is supposed to be a super high-end call girl... and that most of the men that 'buy' these women are more looking for their company and attention- if you're looking for some hardcore hooker beating this totally isn't it

but its a very pretty movie there is one scene that sasha gets out of bed naked on a cloudy morning with the bedroom all naturally lit and it just makes your heartmelt aaaaaaaaw

I should also say that sasha grey was cast through myspace...

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I'm a fan of sasha, porn or not she seems cool. I'll check it out.

I just watched Bronson. I liked it alot. The scene where he's switching sides talking to himself with one-side painted was really cool to me for some reason.

sucks that they changed so much, the actual hostage incidents on his wikipedia page are pretty interesting

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