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i saw mister lonely last night. it was kinda surreal. i have some major beefs with it, as i always do with korine, but i think i sort of loved it at the same time.

I can't wait to see it! I never entirely like Harmony's creative output (whether movies, music, writing) but I think this might be the one that does it for me.

I don't know, I feel like he and I like all of the same things so I'm pulling for him...

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last three days:

body of lies


battle royale, again

rushmore, again

sex and lucia

the grand

true romance, again

basquiat, again

dude above me, i havnt sseen the first in the trilogy but ms vengence is just as good as oldboy for the killing scene alone. the tension between the parents of the dead chilcren had me floored when i saw that movie. couldnt think of a more terrifying scene that made you relate to both sides of a conflict. i dont understand how people hate on it.

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8:00 PM

Public Enemies, The: The Golden Age of the Gansgter Film (2008)

Documentary that explores the development of the crime film at Warner Bros. and the rise of iconic stars of the genre such as James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart

BW-106 mins, , CC

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Saw this the other day . Fave movie of 2008 .


I saw this the other day. I guess it's not a bad movie especially for the American audience. I'm pretty tired of movies showing poor and dark side of life. Shit like that has been flooding festivals across Europe for past few years. Anything coming out of Romania, Czech Rep., Hungary, Poland is grim, fatalistic. Now, I guess, it's time for US.

The goods were the story and use of the natural light. It's not bad for the debut, directing and writing were fine. The camera is shaking in the style of every first movie, indie filmmaker and the story might put some to sleep. The ending is just there, no warning, no real culmination (not a spoiler).

This film would make a great short. You would get a little depressed but at the end it's just a short so it lets go after just few steps outside the theater.

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