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Are you a fashion snob?


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I agree with a few people on here. If I am surrounded by people who consider themselves to be very "cool" or "trendy" then i get very defensive because im not naturally like that. That's when I turn on the mean-spirited snobbish stuff. I'll just dig into people's style and degrade them into nothing because I know whats what and they're clueless. However, If i'm around people who are just normal and nice and interesting, then i act the way i really am, which is pretty un-snobby and nice. I think it's just a defense mechanism thing. Plus, I really have no claim to snobbery at all. I dont know that much about alot of stuff.

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ehh, i think i'm sort of a snob in some regards, but it's in a strange way: i like to cultivate style from within, it's an expression of my personality, and for me, it doesn't require spending oodles of money on random threads.

i get bothered when people don't understand that style is meant to be unique, and that they think rocking a pair of true religions and an ed hardy shirt, just because they saw it on laguna beach or people magazine, makes them stylish. it doesn't. it makes them the antithesis of style.

i respect people who are comfortable in their own skin. my best friend walks around overdressed all the time, in brands that most people here would find offensive, but he wears it and wears it well, so i give him mad props for it. i'm not obsessed with the raw denim style, i only see the need for a few pairs, mixed in with some decent washed pairs (and yes, diesel can make a nice washed jean) but i'm afraid that the personification of supertalk is spreading to real life.

now, WOMEN'S fashion is another thing. i think some of the mainstream trends are hot, but a girl that has a classy, modern style is the bomb.

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I feel for you man.

I got heckled last night for wearing Julian Reds by like 4 people at once. I wasnt even halfway into my "yeah arent they cool...I love how they contrast with this loose fitting marc jacobs button up...and look how theyre a slight taper but they stack on my Chucks just right and I really like how slubby these damn things are! nothing compared to Pure Blues of course but--" and I realized they werent complimenting them. ..and that they were already turned around buying Jaeger bombs.

fucking seattle.

I can't wait to get back to Seattle so I can get shat on by these types. I got punched in London for being me...

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one thing that being a self-proclaimed tastermaker caused is that i cant stand mall stores anymore.

i hate the crowds in malls, the repetitive designs season after season. The overpriced items, that people snap up on a whim. The feeling of being a fashion victim/clone, the terrible level of service.. etc

every mall is the same once u've been to a few, same stores, same product.. no point visiting different malls anymore really..

i try to support smaller indepdent shops much more for these reasons.. and its sad to think most people can't imagine shopping outside of the traditional outlets...

anyway just venting

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one thing that being a self-proclaimed tastermaker caused is that i cant stand mall stores anymore.

i hate the crowds in malls, the repetitive designs season after season. The overpriced items, that people snap up on a whim. The feeling of being a fashion victim/clone, the terrible level of service.. etc

every mall is the same once u've been to a few, same stores, same product.. no point visiting different malls anymore really..

i try to support smaller indepdent shops much more for these reasons.. and its sad to think most people can't imagine shopping outside of the traditional outlets...

anyway just venting

I completely agree with this. I do find myself going to the mall for Barneys Co Op and the occasional John Varvatos visit, but other than that I hate going there. The only real good reason to go is to check out all the women there. :D

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my snobbery only comes out if provoked, almost subconsciously

if im a shitty store like metro park, (i dont know why i would be tehre in the first place)

and i hear people to my right talking about the quality that goes into the making

of true religions

i will put on some snob and start talking so they can overhear

about why true religions are a waste of money

but i dont always actively realize that i am doing that

the conversation just takes a sort of turn in that direction

once i sense douche baggery in my surroundings.

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yeah i think we all agree its not so much bad style that annoys us, but its bad style which is worn with a sense of accomplishment..

its like the allegory of the cave, for now we can all see in our superfuture.

but i never really judge my friends or anything.. mostly just douchbags who think they got game in their flipped A&F tee, or lacoste/true religion combo

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if there weren't poorly dressed shmucks for you self-conceited bastards to look down on, you wouldn't have the holy privilege of having any superiority complexes to develop. i envy people who don't spend $300 on a pair of jeans. at least they're not broke buying a trivial status symbol no one will recognize.

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one thing that being a self-proclaimed tastermaker caused is that i cant stand mall stores anymore.

i hate the crowds in malls, the repetitive designs season after season. The overpriced items, that people snap up on a whim. The feeling of being a fashion victim/clone, the terrible level of service.. etc

every mall is the same once u've been to a few, same stores, same product.. no point visiting different malls anymore really..

i try to support smaller indepdent shops much more for these reasons.. and its sad to think most people can't imagine shopping outside of the traditional outlets...

anyway just venting

I totally agree with u on this, as with the others who have. I don't know about the situation in other states, but almost every mall is owned by that Westfield company. Almost every one of them have the exact same monotonous stores. I haven't been to the mall in over 2 years, even before I came onto SF.

As for my school... people there basically act/look like those people from Laguna Beach and such. Every other person has diesel, seven or true religon jeans on. And it's always a competition for being the elitist.

Anyways, onto the posed question of the thread.

I am not really a snob, but aware. I do make mental comments though.

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if there weren't poorly dressed shmucks for you self-conceited bastards to look down on, you wouldn't have the holy privilege of having any superiority complexes to develop. i envy people who don't spend $300 on a pair of jeans. at least they're not broke buying a trivial status symbol no one will recognize.

You don't have to spend $300 to have cultivated a personal sense of style and have an appreciation for quality garments, many of which can be had for a perfectly reasonable amount of money if you wait for sales and use eBay and recycle old clothing, it just takes a little more work.

And personally, if I'm willing to put in that sort of effort, I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to comfortably chortle to myself when I hear someone astounded by their own genius. Imagine, to have walked into Nordstrom's and bought the most expensive pair of True Religions they could find!

Truly a level of devotion that I could barely muster.

Don't come to me complaining that I spent $100 (eBay) buying a pair of New Standards which I've worn every day for six? seven? months and will continue to wear for a good number more, when they spent, most likely, well over $200 on "premium" mall denim, that, quality aside, looks terrible and will probably be worn until next months exciting new fad.

Sorry to rant, Canice. As we've found out on superfuture and on the internet, sometimes people disagree and it is our duty as internet denizens to voice our concerns as loudly and in as disagreeable a manner as possible.

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I completely agree with this. I do find myself going to the mall for Barneys Co Op and the occasional John Varvatos visit, but other than that I hate going there. The only real good reason to go is to check out all the women there. :D

south coast plaza by any chance? i noticed you're from surf city.

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You don't have to spend $300 to have cultivated a personal sense of style and have an appreciation for quality garments, many of which can be had for a perfectly reasonable amount of money if you wait for sales and use eBay and recycle old clothing, it just takes a little more work.

And personally, if I'm willing to put in that sort of effort, I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to comfortably chortle to myself when I hear someone astounded by their own genius. Imagine, to have walked into Nordstrom's and bought the most expensive pair of True Religions they could find!

Truly a level of devotion that I could barely muster.

Don't come to me complaining that I spent $100 (eBay) buying a pair of New Standards which I've worn every day for six? seven? months and will continue to wear for a good number more, when they spent, most likely, well over $200 on "premium" mall denim, that, quality aside, looks terrible and will probably be worn until next months exciting new fad.

Sorry to rant, Canice. As we've found out on superfuture and on the internet, sometimes people disagree and it is our duty as internet denizens to voice our concerns as loudly and in as disagreeable a manner as possible.

inherently, there's nothing wrong with good aesthetic, or appreciating well-made clothes with thought and detail put into them - or the process of creating those details yourself. i like looking at denim porn as much as the next sufu'er, but my rant was in response to people saying "I AM A SELF-PROCLAIMED TASTEMAKER", "IT MAKES ME PHYSICALLY ILL TO SEE PEOPLE WEARING A&F" and other ridiculous statements while they troll the local metro park/h&m. if you're wearing superfuture-approved clothing for any reason other than to tickle yourself pink every time you button up your samurais, you're a bigger tool than the bro-dude getting high off the cologne in a hollister store.

only dude on point is fuuma:

In a word: no. I'm not into prescriptive statements for myself so, naturally, I try to be the same with others.
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inherently, there's nothing wrong with good aesthetic, or appreciating well-made clothes with thought and detail put into them - or the process of creating those details yourself. i like looking at denim porn as much as the next sufu'er, but my rant was in response to people saying "I AM A SELF-PROCLAIMED TASTEMAKER", "IT MAKES ME PHYSICALLY ILL TO SEE PEOPLE WEARING A&F" and other ridiculous statements while they troll the local metro park/h&m. if you're wearing superfuture-approved clothing for any reason other than to tickle yourself pink every time you button up your samurais, you're a bigger tool than the bro-dude getting high off the cologne in a hollister store.

only dude on point is fuuma:

I'd say you're on point as well. I think the most important thing is to cultivate a personal style, not to satisfy others and boost your ego. Like I said, I'd only say that I'm a "snob" in the sense that it irritates me when I see people throwing money at the "fashion" that is being fed to them by magazines and malls. To me, it defeats the whole purpose of clothing.

Obviously, some people can cloth themselves with a complete disregard for how they look and how they feel and do it perfectly, but for some our appearance does have a degree of importance. I know that personally the manner in which I dress and the clothes I wear are, as much I can make them, a manifestation of certain ideals and influences and on and on... so I tend to be irritated when people who only consider their clothing a means to an (again, a qualitative analysis) end think that "style" is whatever men.style.com or even supertalk.supefuture.com tells them. I couldn't be damned if someone who couldn't care less about style is wearing their A&F, in fact, quite the opposite. I suppose it's not snobbery so much as a difference of opinion that creates irritation.

Christ, I am a fucking rambler when I get tired.

edit: no offense intended to anyone, as usual, although I don't think I'm being particularly inflamatory[sic?].

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in the end, aesthetics and appearence is all subjective, so in short, no i'm not. i could care less what others are wearing, nor do i feel like i carry a superior fashion 'ego' just because i'm in the know of selvedge / japanese denim, and obscure japanese / european designers.

they say clothes make the man, which i agree to the extent, but i don't feel it should dictate a person's character. you could be a douchebag and wear dior homme and samurais, but you're still a douchebag. you could be a nice guy and wear ugly bootcut true religions, but you're still a nice guy.

then again, im drunk so idk if that made sense. hahaha

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Do tell, do tell.

Well, it was more Slough than London, and it was for my glasses (little square frames with subtle blue glitter and purple temples - sounds like I deserved it from the description :) ), but still. I was wearing SSKs and winklepickers, and if there's one thing East London gangstas hate more than these (?), it's my glasses. Gangstas out to fuck a guy up.

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inherently, there's nothing wrong with good aesthetic, or appreciating well-made clothes with thought and detail put into them - or the process of creating those details yourself. i like looking at denim porn as much as the next sufu'er, but my rant was in response to people saying "I AM A SELF-PROCLAIMED TASTEMAKER", "IT MAKES ME PHYSICALLY ILL TO SEE PEOPLE WEARING A&F" and other ridiculous statements while they troll the local metro park/h&m. if you're wearing superfuture-approved clothing for any reason other than to tickle yourself pink every time you button up your samurais, you're a bigger tool than the bro-dude getting high off the cologne in a hollister store.

only dude on point is fuuma:

Canice: Thanks for the props.

As an aside I think what we're seeing in the thread is disapproval for some attitudes posters associate with certain styles (i.e. arrogant frat boys in A&F), the problem being that while, I can definitely see a connection between some lifestyle choices and personality traits, dress style has pretty much no connection to personality. Anybody who’s been part of an “underground scene†for a while will realize that they’re all pretty much microcosm of “mainstream society†as a whole with your greedy manipulators, your self-destructive charmers, your creative dreamers, your arrogant douchebags and everything else in between. So while I tend to stay away from ignorant show-offs parading their material goods like so many badges of honor and good taste, I believe they can be found as much on Superfuture as in an A&F store.

Full disclosure: I don’t think people have to be interested and knowledgeable in all creative fields but someone who has only mediocre (as in desperately average) taste and interest in pretty much everything is a certified moron. You don’t have to like Nabi painters, Robert Kappa, conceptual fashion design and sparse Japanese architecture to have my esteem but if you don’t care to dig deeper and share with others your passion for anything beyond what’s in front of you you’re just too boring for me. So the test isn’t “what do people like†but “do they like anything and can they communicate, eloquently and with depth their passion to othersâ€.

PS: Servo, I like your ramblings so be assured there’s a least one poster who reads them.

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Well, it was more Slough than London, and it was for my glasses (little square frames with subtle blue glitter and purple temples - sounds like I deserved it from the description :) ), but still. I was wearing SSKs and winklepickers, and if there's one thing East London gangstas hate more than these (?), it's my glasses. Gangstas out to fuck a guy up.

Why in the name of fuck were you ever in Slough asides from passing through it in a car/train?

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exactly...this group of people on supertalk share similar fashion sense, yet we're the biggest assholes because we love to act superior on other groups of people who have the same fashion sense such as the AF/preppy look, the gangsta look...etc.

On the contrary, there is no 'SuFu look', unless you think Chris, Witts, Carl, Milspex and CMF all dress completely identically. SuFuers are more elements within "fashion groups" as opposed to a group unto themselves...

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Full disclosure: I don’t think people have to be interested and knowledgeable in all creative fields but someone who has only mediocre (as in desperately average) taste and interest in pretty much everything is a certified moron. You don’t have to like Nabi painters, Robert Kappa, conceptual fashion design and sparse Japanese architecture to have my esteem but if you don’t care to dig deeper and share with others your passion for anything beyond what’s in front of you you’re just too boring for me. So the test isn’t “what do people like” but “do they like anything and can they communicate, eloquently and with depth their passion to others”.

Well said, that pretty much sums it up for me as well.

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Why in the name of fuck were you ever in Slough asides from passing through it in a car/train?

Just about. My best friend lives in Farnham.

Slough's maybe the shittiest place I've ever been, and I live just outside Watford, so that's saying something.

At least the air smells like Mars bars when the Mars factory is in operation.

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