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The John Mayer is a Fucktard Thread


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This post is hilarious. People just want to hate on anything now a days. I personally dig his music and think he is a rather talented guy. I know I sure as hell can't produce music like that, let alone any music at all! Dudes last CD was legit in my opinion.

And what's this all about him not knowing about streetwear, blu ray, whatever?! Come on man, so the dude can't sit online 24/7 and research till his guitar is out of tune...jesus!

I would've expected the damn cable too! lol But I guess I don't know shit either...

Keep drinking that Hateraide.


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milspex, i respect/admire the hate, but mayer will definitely jump on to whatever other fad that gets big in japan. nobody who really matters (or who i respect) takes him, kanye, lupe or etc. seriously. he may have industry connections and money, but i'm sure your wardrobe could destroy his. viva hate!

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I honestly appreciated John for his "Waiting for the World to Change" music video. I feel like the artists in that video (more specifically Futura). Deserve more credit from the art community, not just the Streetwear community.

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Goddamn Edison is just....ahhh no talent muthafucka. His blog on honeyee is so hard to read too. In fact I would say that Mayer > Edison simply because edison shamelessly promotes every goddamn thing that he has and you don't. "yo foos check it out, this is uber rare limited shit yo limited to 1/5 and I din pay a cent for it yo. oh yeah i'm releasing a new tee, better cop before it's all out!"...fucking terrible.

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im pretty sure sony sent that to him for free.

the music he releases is pretty awful but its all a matter of opinon. he does have pretty impecable taste and seems to have the backing of quite a few guys who you might deem more legit (?uestlove, chappelle, etc.)

i really dont think hes just jumping on trends, i think hes the type of guy to find something he likes and do an insane amount of research about it to become completely schooled on said product, then buy it.

i think hes just passionate about the things he cares about.

my two cents.

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john mayer is extremely talented. and it just so happens that the acoustic lovesong guitar kid tries to cash in on the cool trend of streetwear and whatnot. of course that looks like the rich dumb kid who buys all the cool shit so he can fit in with a new crowd. thats why milspex is like, 'john mayer you fuckwad, stick to your roots u poser'

of course, this all comes with a thin veil of jealously cause he's rich and gets all this shit and connections.

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  dryice said:
mayer has been rocking dunks since 2000. dunk low pro ftw... but so has Justin timberlake and jack johnson

So fucking what? I got my first dunks in `98 coz I was sick of Air Force Is.

Most true heads were copping OG dunks off ebay since about `94 anyway

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  Double D said:

Even then, what gives them the god-given right to claim originality by wearing a melange of 60s mod, 70s punk and 80s new wave?

quoted for truth.

(pete does it pretty well though and i dont think whoever is responsible for the resurgance in this look would claim originality but still...)

who cares about john mayer though?

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and the whole "i knew about it before you did makes me cooler/the authority" argument is pretty laughable...uhm thats great, but it still doesnt get you free stuff like these guys (actual? famous people) half the stuff these guys are showing off they didn't pay for. lets be real, some of the honeyee blogs are in some ways a fancy way to advertise..

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  Downwithianbrown said:
VIVA HATE EXACTLY! I hate how nobody on this board lets anybody hate on any one. John Mayer clearly sucks. that's that.

hate keeps the industry and boards in check somewhat i guess. you're right, but people are just hating on the hate and so forth. it's whether or not the hating is legitamate.

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if you dislike this guy then why are you reading his blog? Obviously you must have visited more than once. I've never visited this guys blog. All i know is that he's suppose to be a singer but i havent even heard a single song from this guy. So this tells me that obviously he's some corporate record company made piece of shit outta hollywood.

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  MilSpex said:
u know what the difference between Mayer and say Edison Chen is?

I know for a fact that before Edison was rich, but when he was poor in fact, he spent every cent he had on A Bathing Ape way before Mayer had even heard of Kaws.

So now Edison and Mayer post up all this expensive shit they have but the difference is that Edison can coz he knows what it is, its always been part of his life. Mayer is just the new kid on the block with cash who wants to be cool. It makes me sick.

fuck edison chen, he is such a fuck face ( everytime he pose for photo, he look like he just got done takig it in in the ass), his dad is so filty rich, how do u think he broke into the entertaining biz? fuck him and his crew! that levi's collabo is horrible.

hey edison, i hope you are fucking reading this, you fucking suck, and your crew swallows. and make sure you fucking tell every single one of them that shit. better yet, if i see you i'll tell you that shit my self

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  6MT said:
fuck edison chen, he is such a fuck face ( everytime he pose for photo, he look like he just got done takig it in in the ass), his dad is so filty rich, how do u think he broke into the entertaining biz?


Fuck people with connections! Fuck people who make something of thier lives! Fuck people with more money than me!

...I just HATE it when people prosper! Oh yea, fuck Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Jay Z, and everyone!



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  6MT said:
fuck edison chen, he is such a fuck face ( everytime he pose for photo, he look like he just got done takig it in in the ass), his dad is so filty rich, how do u think he broke into the entertaining biz? fuck him and his crew! that levi's collabo is horrible.

hey edison, i hope you are fucking reading this, you fucking suck, and your crew swallows. and make sure you fucking tell every single one of them that shit. better yet, if i see you i'll tell you that shit my self

Woah. Hate hate hate. Frankly Edison doesn't care what you think so whine all you want man.

Secondly, yes I agree that he is a fuck face, but don't hate on CLOT. Edison is just one piece to the CLOT puzzle. There are a few other partners. Also there was more than one Levi's collabo and some of them were very cool IMO.

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