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mystery frame:

picked up this frame.. the owner had no idea who the builder was and had no information on it. i was wondering if any of you guys might have an idea of its origins.

the seat tube looks strange in this picture but its just the wide angle of my lense..


the fork is pretty cool


tange headset


bottom bracket cluster


the lugs def look handmade


theres a "2" in this lug


interesting drop outs



"o" on this lug


"72" on this lug


im thinking it was maybe a local build -- only because of the random numbers on all of the lugs.

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mystery frame:

picked up this frame.. the owner had no idea who the builder was and had no information on it. i was wondering if any of you guys might have an idea of its origins.

the seat tube looks strange in this picture but its just the wide angle of my lense..


the fork is pretty cool


tange headset


bottom bracket cluster


the lugs def look handmade


theres a "2" in this lug


interesting drop outs



"o" on this lug


"72" on this lug


im thinking it was maybe a local build -- only because of the random numbers on all of the lugs.

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^^^ looks so sexy!

im having trouble deciding on a new wheelset for my specialized allez.

my choices are:

Velocity Helios Wheelset

weighing in at; Front – 600g Rear – 780g

or the

Velocity A23 Wheelset

weighing in at; Front – 600g Rear – 800g

the a23's have a 23mm wide rim which supposedly makes for better cornering and a stiffer rim

im upgrading from the shitty stock alex rims that it came with. i know there are better options for around the same price but i have a connect with velocity so im sticking with them.

any of you guys use either wheelset? opinions? thanks!

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Is it ridiculous to put these on a windsor. I had some north road bars from an old schwinn that my buddy let me use for a couple of weeks and they of course worked fine as commuter bars.

Would these be too big for the frame?

you'll need a longer stem. It'll mess with your reach/positioning if you don't balance it out with a longer stem.

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You're gonna be so upright.

Selling some things that I got with my Team Track...

Selle San Marco Blaze

Hollow CrMo rails. Pretty light.

Deda Quattro

31.7mm (31.8) oversized clamp, 1 1/8, 90mm, 82°

Deda MetalStick

350mm x 27.2mm.

Came with few scratches as seen in picture. The otherside is clean

DA 15t cog


Also got a DA lockring, 19t EAI cog, & a used Selle San Marco regal.

I'm going to be throwing up my DA gruppo as soon as I get my replacement ones. I'm currently using them... it's too god for me.

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how much is the seat???

and how old is ur DA group, im tryna upgrade my groupset very soon

sick of fucking tiagra, tryna switch to SRAM but DA intrigues me

The blaze is $45 shipped (in 48 states). I'll get more pics for you cuz I can't find any on the net.

Been using the group for past 3 days. It's 7710 series

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Attn: mlproject / repeater

Any info on these cranks? A bud of mine was cleaning out his basement and threw them my way. Just wondering if they're worth anything.


They look like dura ace road doubles, but I couldn't find any info online. They are 175s and the nds has an F A stamped on it. The drive side has an F C stamp.

Any info is much appreciated. Thanks.

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The blaze is $45 shipped (in 48 states). I'll get more pics for you cuz I can't find any on the net.

yeah if you could send me some pics of the seat that would be great

the nyc century is gunna be pretty chill i think, im doin the 55mile ride form brooklyn with my pops

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