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Sorry to kick it back on the bag topic, but how long of a wait does freight have for bags?

4 weeks. Turn around is not bad at all, also you can add a buttload of functions to a custom bag. I just recently sold my Freight messenger bag for a Freight backpack simply because I wasn't really a fan of messenger bags in the first place. I've got a medium and this thing is fucking HUGE. Freight runs big, and everything that Travis makes is fucking durable. Call them and buy one, you will not be disappointed. Some of his bags are not cheap but hey, you pay for what you get. ;)

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4 weeks. Turn around is not bad at all, also you can add a buttload of functions to a custom bag. I just recently sold my Freight messenger bag for a Freight backpack simply because I wasn't really a fan of messenger bags in the first place. I've got a medium and this thing is fucking HUGE. Freight runs big, and everything that Travis makes is fucking durable. Call them and buy one, you will not be disappointed. Some of his bags are not cheap but hey, you pay for what you get. ;)

i was planning on buying a medium... are they really too big for comfort? i'm used to regular jansport backpacks.

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So I was riding with my buddy tonight, and a car infront of me was making a right-hand turn, so I went around it on the left hand side.

Well apparently the guy behind me felt that me "cutting him off" 10ft infront was a big deal and started hitting his horn so I gave him the finger. He then kept on hitting his horn for a minute straight and I kept holding my finger riding infront of him for a block.

My roommate is a little bitch and was stuck behind as he's not a risky rider yet (no brakes, 48x16 ratio, doesn't know how to skid/skip and no lights), so I was waiting for him. Dude rode by me and yelled "You're a pussy." Man, he thought he was so sweet.

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here at the university of virginia it would be a jeep, and the person driving it would be wearing a hat with a pre-frayed brim or deer hunting camouflage pattern, a northface zip-up fleece, a polo, khaki pants, boat shoes, and wayfarers with the necklace strap attached.

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Over here it's Italians from New Jersey, thug dudes in Honda Accords from Brownsville, or crazy old hardcore New Yorker types.

Oh yeah, a blind person almost ran into me today... that inconsiderate prick.

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some fuck ass the other day was behind me, then proceeded to change lanes to my left, passed me, and cut me off to make a right. fucking dick could have waited 1 minute for all of that.

I hate to say it, but i have done this before when driving, I am not a very defensive driver.

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some fuck ass the other day was behind me, then proceeded to change lanes to my left, passed me, and cut me off to make a right. fucking dick could have waited 1 minute for all of that.

Happens alllll the time...

Its better wen the biker is also planning to make a right turn, but the driver cuts off the biker to make the right turn first... Like 2 seconds matter THAT much to these people...

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Oh fixed gear, how you will be missed. My youth and adolescence seemed devoid of some necessary meaning. From trend to trend I jumped. Carefully and with astounding agility, studying and fulfilling my duty as a member of the various sub-cultures which I stumbled across. Always down, but never quite held down by any of these empty fads. Then I was fixed. To think, it was the freedom of that overlooked freewheel which was actually holding me down for all those years, except, of course, for those years that I forgot about my bike, and was riding four free flailing wheels beneath that deck of composite wood, but I digress…). Once I had rid myself of that bedeviling mechanism, so typical of the technology upon which the masses would bestow the title of "progress", I had found happiness. Not long after, I was casting off the shackles off hand brakes and giving myself completely to the ever-growing fix of my beloved fixie. Intersections be damned. I was free. Free to follow the more experienced riders, free to memorize gear ratios, free to thrust my crotch into my handle bars in nearly vain attempts to lock my legs and avoid the ever-present clutches of the reaper, free to cuff my jeans and cast stares of pity to those less fortunate than I, those still indentured to their breaks and free wheeling hub. How I enjoyed spreading the good word! Sharing with the average person the joy of a fixed gear had become my path towards enlightenment; No, it WAS my enlightenment. So many doors were opened that it's difficult to convey. Conversations about imported and limited denim, discussing new rims and cranks, or simply sharing the joy which sprung from the words of my mentors on their various trips around the world (most importantly Japan), to further spread the way of the fixie, these were penultimate joys!

All was well, all was balanced, life's ratio was perfect for my height and build. How as I to know that it would all soon end? Sometimes, from such exalted heights, dangers are obscured. When I received the news that fateful day that I would have to relocate to the outlying districts of my metropolitan area, I had no idea that things would change. I thought that this fixation would last forever, alas, how wrong I was. Out in these dark and backward communities, no one had ever heard of a fixed gear. I thought that I had been sent to spread the word, to bring light to these suburban heathens. Again, I was mistaken. Work took over, and with no one to talk about rims, frames, and gear ratios with, the light dimmed. So much more time was spent driving, and so much less time with my crotch against my bars. I can't imagine that I would survive, but oddly enough I did. Weeks passed, months. I still look back and have a difficult time imagining how it is that I made it out without spilling my own blood across my bathroom floor, but I did. Still I look back fondly, I reminisce, but at least I have amateurish DJing and scratching to fall back on, my almost uncracked graffiti sketchbooks, my stack of vice magazines, and my Japanese fashion mags to peruse, and most importantly my internet connection. For even if I I can't be cool anymore, I can at least read about people who are.

Fixie, a silent tear is falling for you onto my $400 jeans, and I know that the world has not yet heard the last of you.

-Josh Bruner

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for sure, if anything, bikesdirect has your back haha. 300-350 gets you a brand new track bike straight to your door.

doo it!

my friend just picked up one of the motobecane's, another has the 08 windsor and the gunmetal looks clean.

we painted the motobecane a few nights ago it turned out clean.:cool:

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