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samurai denim contest [pics]


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  denimdestroyedmylife said:
cheap and the dudes that are complaining about samurais riding up their crack need to slouch your jeans. wear 'em on your hips. wedgies are unacceptable. i've never had my bk's ride up, for the record.

that is all. carry on.

i do wear them on my hips... maybe i need a smaller ass and a shorter waist

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mine are worn high because I sized down 1 to get the better fit, too tight on the waist to slouch them, getting a bit looser though.

and on another note I wore my rb11's yesterday because my samurais smelled soooo fking bad from concert I was the night before. I'm pretty sure I've got the black-lung and so do my samurais.

They are back on today though.

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Guest jeffvyain
  jilla82 said:
would you say \the S0500XX more loose or tighter than the NS?

look at the fucking pictures

and the only thing warmer than 15 oz sammies is 17 and 19 oz sammies. Just put some tights or long johns underneath them...can't be THAT bad. i don't know what else is better to wear in the winter than heavy jeans aside from maybe snow pants...but really, who does that?

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  jeffvyain said:
look at the fucking pictures

another tough msg board guy eh? You dont see how everyone's jeans fit differently because everyone wears them different??? Im asking someone who has both this question, if you got a problem w/ that either ignore it or answer the fucking question

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  jilla82 said:
another tough msg board guy eh? You dont see how everyone's jeans fit differently because everyone wears them different??? Im asking someone who has both this question, if you got a problem w/ that either ignore it or answer the fucking question

shut the fuck up asshole

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Guest jeffvyain

i don't understand the need for the question in the first place. you have information out the ass all over this thread and it's predecessor. you have measurements straight off of samurai's site as well as many others. You have the new standard (this is an assumption), so why don't you measure those and see how they compare. you're right. everyone wears their jeans differently. so asking someone how they fit, when you can look at the goddamn pictures in the thread is pretty pointless. what isn't pointless, if you are truly interested, is checking the damn measurements.

the new standard is a very versatile jean. you can size way down and stretch it way the fuck out and have it be tight as all hell or you can size relatively normally and wear them low. aside from measurement comparisons for each respective size, you're not going to get a whole lot of information that will give you any idea of how these will fit. now please go away

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  jeffvyain said:

and the only thing warmer than 15 oz sammies is 17 and 19 oz sammies. Just put some tights or long johns underneath them...can't be THAT bad. i don't know what else is better to wear in the winter than heavy jeans aside from maybe snow pants...but really, who does that?

Spend 12 hours outside when it's below 0 and get back to me on that.

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  I_miss_lily said:
Yeah its called snow removal at 2:00 AM in way the fuck below zero its also called snowpants over denim, with longjohns underneath. Layer FTMFW

Oh yeah, I forgot, everyone in the world is just like you.

I don't really care if you want to come off as some kind of denim hardass, but it would help if you had a clue.

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  Yet Fung said:
What did you expect jilla? If you don't want side comments, PM the guy directly.

well, i dont expect people to get bent out of shape over a question. It is a msg board and you can glance over things. Taking the time out just to curse at someone is pretty stupid....you could just say instead search or whatever. Getting upset over dumbshit is just not logical in my mind...but whatever floats their boat

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  jilla82 said:
well, i dont expect people to get bent out of shape over a question. It is a msg board and you can glance over things. Taking the time out just to curse at someone is pretty stupid....you could just say instead search or whatever. Getting upset over dumbshit is just not logical in my mind...but whatever floats their boat

Hey I'm not saying it wasn't stupid (I'm not saying it was either). I fully understand you wanting a simple and personal comparison between two pairs of jeans. I'm just saying you could have been a little more tactful about your approach, considering the temperment here. If you knew to search ahead of time, then you already know it doesn't take much to spark flames.

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First of all - considering that the measurements and a ton of pictures are floating around on this thread - it is a bit risky to keep asking about how they fit - compared to other Jeans....

Remember the days when buying japanese denim was like dealing drugs....

Today - if you don´t trust the pictures - if ur too lazy to measure ur current jeans or ur body - u just go ahead - order the Jeans from the website - and if u hate the fit - send them back...

Second topic - this is a contest - but one that´s supposed to be fun as well....

So if somebody feels too cold - or somebody feels too hot - it´s non of ur beeswax...

Allrighty - day 29 for Beatle....I´ll stay clean and away from the temptation for another 30 days...2 months in a row - that´s my goal....


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  beatle said:

Second topic - this is a contest - but one that´s supposed to be fun as well....

So if somebody feels too cold - or somebody feels too hot - it´s non of ur beeswax...

Well spoken beatle!

..and here's a hairy detail pic, just for fun.. :)


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I was at the dentist for what I thought was just a routine cleaning but turned into getting major work done! I took some shots with my cellphone while waiting for my face to go numb...




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