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Halloween Ideas


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I just bought a pair of khakis and a plaid hat at Target. I'm going to cut the pants short, and wear some argyle socks and a polo. Boom. Sexy golfer. For the record, I'm a dude.

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Guest guincho
  DÃœM said:
If I can find my scanner I'll scan it for you bro. I got my mask last year and it's been on my door ever since. everyone's copping that shit this year.

please do! i want to rotate that mask with my ron swanson mask i just made. can't be ron swanson three nights in a row...


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i'm looking for an outfit that masks my identity and is large and attention grabbing

something like this


but i don't have the will power or money to burn to go that far. any ideas? any sports team mascot ideas? i dont watch sports

or this: tumblr_lsnfvuGvWV1r4oeeao2_400.gif

i'm extremely large and a very talented dancer and i want to get anonymously ridiculous at a bunch of frat parties this weekend

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  cameron- said:
i'm looking for an outfit that masks my identity and is large and attention grabbing

something like this


but i don't have the will power or money to burn to go that far. any ideas? any sports team mascot ideas? i dont watch sports

or this: tumblr_lsnfvuGvWV1r4oeeao2_400.gif

i'm extremely large and a very talented dancer and i want to get anonymously ridiculous at a bunch of frat parties this weekend


edit: wish people celebrated halloween in aus t-t

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  sycamore no more said:
these have to be the best halloween costumes, you can fuck with your friends, chicks dig it, you're anonymous. did you make these? only downside... how 2 drink?

Girls were all about it cuz they couldnt tell who was inside, just a big cute alien thing. Some girl started grippin all up on me w/o even knowing who i was. Never broke character.

Made by hand, cost around 40$ and were all time best. I held the drink inside, and operated mouth with other hand. The mouth was built out of a big sponge and it got full soaked w. booze and the whole thing turned into a shitty booze weed steam room inside. best halloween of my life.

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