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Halloween Ideas


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I was thinking of dressing as bruce lee in the yellow catsuit, or as alex in clockwork orange but figured thats too played out.

I'm seriously considering to dress up as MTV Kanye:


also, since I'm goin to be bouncin in clubs, figured the props will go well with my costume as well:




jeans looks like n(n), anyone know what shirt hes wearin?

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Lol. You have a point!

Where else can I find the jeans? 33 is too big, I need a smaller size.

Already got the gold rolex which I can just borrow from my dad.

And also, still need to find those shirt and boots.

  phen3N said:
don't save it for next year. by then everyone will have forgotten the incident or he will have done something else stupid while wearing even more expensive clothes
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Kanye West MTV is my first priority. But I doubt that I could make it in time to compile those stuff that he wore considering the shipping time, research etc.

This one is my plan B:


Although I'm having second thoughts since the only way to pee in that costume would be unzipping all the way down and taking off the top part of it. Which would be a hassle, considering I'd be drinkin like mad that night.

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  phen3N said:
boots are just regular timbs i believe

It wouldn't surprise me if it was ann dem, c diem or the likes. This is kanye we are talkin bout here.

But yeh, still need info bout the shirt. Or maybe somethin similar. Looks a bit like a crumpled up, washable leather shirt, but upon closer look it looks like waxed poly/cotton material of some sort.

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  Hang the DJ said:
Jeremy... Irons?

I'm a little late but

Jeremy's.... Iron

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  debaser said:
wanted to do plague doctor last year but couldn't get my shit together, this year it's on


Did you ever do this? Where'd you get the mask and ish? That's the hardest part since i could use any generic robe, hat and sometimes that little shoulder shawl thing they'd wear. I want to do this now. Love plague era

Looked online and saw some people created masks out of paper mache from scratch. Another took a plan white venetian style mask and just paper mached or did something to add the nose. Could maybe take this gasmask if i buy it and attatch some kind of nose thing to it really easily http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002K6WAJQ/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&seller= but don't really want to spend $20 on a mask and then have to get a robe and hat as well. Maybe can have a DIY lazy weekend afternoon. Now the history major in me is coming out and i feel like nerding out since it's an era i studied extensively

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