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worst insult youve ever taken.


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Jane, there's also the:

If you'd just pluck your eyebrows, get contacts, wear makeup, strighten your hair, and dress better you'd be hot.

ahhh middle school gals, they are so nice.

It's not so bad tho, because I guess I was a late bloomer, and when they are wilting, I'll still be blooming.

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This one girl told me I had a smaller dick than both my friends (whom she had also slept with). It could possibly be true, but in my defense I wasn't all that aroused when I fucked her.

hah. this is neither here nor there but i have never slept with the same girl as any of my friends but if i did i would probably be at half mast as well.

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someone called me fat in third grade. i got mad and tried to chase him to kick his ass. he outran me easily. i realized i was fat.

Ha haha.

I was sad when I pulled down my pants and my ex-girlfriend started laughing so hard she spit water all over my junk........actually, part of that story is untrue.

........it was juice, not water.

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Guest Fade to Black

grade 9...i was walkin towards the school library lookin like a complete mess, trying to carry my bookbag, several binders and a black Avirex sweater, my hair covering most of my forehead and my glasses were greasy...then this guy walks past, next to him was arguably the hottest girl at school back then...and he says to her (about me) "That's the ugliest kid I've ever seen in my life."

fucked up, I know. But shit look where that kind of talk got me, I'm a fucking rock star now!

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my dad use told me i'm good for nothing, and he ment it...

at my first job, my boss told me "stupid fuck, are you dumber than pigs? fuck you and your parents"

and at a job interview, some one told me that my work is straight up garbage.......

and i'm still here.....i live on, so one day i could smash their face with a cinder block except my dad....i respect him

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  • 7 months later...

Yesterday I was on the elevator and two cuban guys get on with me and one guy says "hey, this guy makes me look good, i've still got a little while before I have to cut this" and strokes his medium length hair. Then the other guy says "I thought he was a girl at first" and he suggested I move to San Francisco. But he was really casual about it, not trying to be mean or anything- he said that I would "fit in with the crowd down there". And I laughed and said thanks in the deepest most testosterone filled voice I could possibly muster.


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Guest jmatsu

at my first job, my boss told me "stupid fuck, are you dumber than pigs? fuck you and your parents"

oouch! damn i want to rep your old boss.

not really an insult, but...

i went to the same doctor the 2nd consecutive time for the same shit. clamedia. i knew it was clamedia because shit had the same symptoms. the doctor def knew it was the same shit as well. i asked him if i could just get the same anitbotics as the first time instead of getting that q-tip-culture sample taker thing shoved in my dickhole. he bascially laughed at me,said "if you play, you pay!," then shoved it in.

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at my first job, my boss told me "stupid fuck, are you dumber than pigs? fuck you and your parents"

oouch! damn i want to rep your old boss.

not really an insult, but...

i went to the same doctor the 2nd consecutive time for the same shit. clamedia. i knew it was clamedia because shit had the same symptoms. the doctor def knew it was the same shit as well. i asked him if i could just get the same anitbotics as the first time instead of getting that q-tip-culture sample taker thing shoved in my dickhole. he bascially laughed at me,said "if you play, you pay!," then shoved it in.

that has always been on my "THINGS I NEVER WANT TO FUCKING TRY" list.

so, how was it?

and are you ever going to learn how to properly quote?

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Guest jmatsu
Its no wonder guys avoid going to the doctor with that shit... that and getting a prostate examination are things I do not look forward to...

when he did it, did it give you an erection?

uuh no. that would have made the situation alot worse.

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Guest jmatsu
oouch! damn i want to rep your old boss.

and are you ever going to learn how to properly quote?

i don't think so, but if i ever do please rep.

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