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What's up,

I am new here, my name is Stepfather. I am from Canada. I have been a long time lurker on this site. I came across something that I thought you guys whould like.

It's a site called http://www.trendmill.com

It's closed to the public and is in alpha testing.

That means it's invite only and I landed an invite code because I am pretty hooked up :)

I figured those of you down with profile /social networking sites and who are into fashion can sign-up, upload pics of your gear, and rate other people's gear.


I think the concept's there and this is only eligible for 5 people. So only click this if you're into this thing.

With Love,


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i run DrunkenStepfather.com. I am a celebrity blogger. And a Celebrity.

A kid I know emailed me. I told him I'd help him get a test audience.

I have known about superfuture forever and figured you guys would dig the site and make a perfect test audience.

I am not a spammer. If I was, I'd be asking you if you saw the Fergie Rolling Stone cover on my site. She looks like a man. You may like that.

I was trying to be a nice guy. I should go back to my asshole ways.


Jesus Martinez


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i just was tipping you guys off on something i thought you'd dig.

I was given an invite code that I couldn't use on my site. my readers probably don't care about fashion.

i was doing what was intended to be a service to you. Provided you like trying out new things.

Call it what you want, but for those of you who want to see what other people like and let people know what you like, sign-up using the code posted, it's probably about to die.

As for the people hating on me...I get ripped apart daily by people who are far craftier than you. Step up your game... cuddles.


Jesus Martinez


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i just was tipping you guys off on something i thought you'd dig.

I was given an invite code that I couldn't use on my site. my readers probably don't care about fashion.

i was doing what was intended to be a service to you. Provided you like trying out new things.

Call it what you want, but for those of you who want to see what other people like and let people know what you like, sign-up using the code posted, it's probably about to die.

As for the people hating on me...I get ripped apart daily by people who are far craftier than you. Step up your game... cuddles.


Jesus Martinez


funny, i got a friend that has the same name as you. he's from seattle though...

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