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Dior Homme Denim (FAQ ON FIRST PAGE - read me)


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yes, the Alien Bee ABR800... PM me if you wanna know more about it, check my blog/site/flickr if you wanna see some pics of a test shoot with it...

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ayn, I really like the fit of those jeans. Much love for the hoodies.

bah.....i hate how when there's a pic of someone wearing a pair of jeans with good fit...it makes me want to go and get a pair of the same the next day.

this forum is fucked :P

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you're in luck as the Dior 19cm model was made to specifically fit the Dior Homme trainers, go pick up a pair before they run out of your size. make sure your jeans hem/shoe size proportion is ideal based upon the street-cred sizing charts they have in-store and you should be okay,

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so after seeing dismalfuture's success story of tapering his dior italian 19cm and giving it much thought, I took a gamble and tapered mine too. The bunching on the 18cm hem is always a pain in the ass since I always have to groom the stack and I hope smaller hem like 16cm will help solve this problem. I don't know if it's ok and I hope i can have some true comments or opinions from you guys.

here are the pics.

Before taper:


After taper:


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Ok, first of all...how the hell would anybody know about the SS07 if it is not even out yet??? And to answer your very, very, very stupid question, they are both the 19cm cut so therefore they will be virtually, exactly the same with possibly some slight variance from season to season.

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i liked the before taper, the after taper looks a lot like a pair of april 77s.

Was thinking the exact same thing. They look better on you that way submerged (after the taper), wish I could rock the "april 77" fit, but my big thighs and calves just wont let me.

Konfucius might be on to something -- were you referring to the the slack around the knees? It does look decieving doesnt it? But everywhere else, particularly the calf and ankle region does look alot better, imo.

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I agree with the previoius two posters. The before didn't look bad at all. But if it's what you prefer :)

Those before taper pics were taken when I first received those jeans, so they didn't look that bad since the denim is really tight on my waist. But subsequently after some wear, they stretch and were hanging on my hips. That was when I realised that the bunching tends to get very untidy and looks really weird, almost like a pair of bell bottoms to me. So i thought tapering in would help abit.

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After taper I think they look better. Not by a lot but the stacking is really nice and I like how they hug the calves.

Where did you get them tapered from?

I'm glad that you like it.

I got them tapered at a local tailor shop for 8 Singapore dollars.

I must say that she really did a good job. I already warned her beforehand that this is a pair of expensive jeans and she better not screw it up. haha. I was fuckin worried tho when I handed those jeans to her.

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Hey guys. I need some opinions... I'm about 2 months into these Dior 19cm raw blacks, and I'm just concerned with the whole anti-fit look.

Basically I'm wearing a 27, which is super slim on me, especially around the thigh+calves. I've worn the jeans hanging off my bottom for quite some time, even through the initial comfort issues with the waist going againist my skin. I'm not sure if the anti-fit look works with mine since I feel like they're on the slimmer-than-i-would-have-preferred look.


Also, I've been wearing these on and off, switching every other day with my APC New Standards... will the thigh+calf area loosen up with more vigorous/prolonged/consistent wear? Just curious as to what I should expect, as the stretching has been minimal beside the waist, which I forced into stretching for an off the hip look.

Thanks y'alls. I can post measurements too if it helps. :)

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