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Thanks, guys. And thanks again, kiya, for the crewneck- it's amazing... even if my daughter is afraid to look at the back of it.

Medine- That's straight up vintage Navy style. I'm too old to be popping collars

Akuma- that's awesome. Where are you guys finding your CPOs?

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Was it the washed L that was left? Just curious. Not looking to get one as I'm saving up for something else...

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what size did you have before? What size did you just order? I should be getting my large CPO tomorrow . Hope it fits right. I have a mecanhics shirt in large, it fits really well. I think the cpo should be good.

I had an xl, this time got a large, the xl was just too long and voluminous in the arms and around the hem... Probably just going to cold soak and hang dry this one

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I had an xl, this time got a large, the xl was just too long and voluminous in the arms and around the hem... Probably just going to cold soak and hang dry this one

man we started are rider d's about the same time, now we will be starting new cpo's around same time . i think we will need to post some compare and contrast pics sometime. keep the posts coming ! thanks.

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Your gunna want to be poppin that collar when the wind picks up tho!

ohh, I thought you meant on the shirt. duh. Yeah I do on the coat from time to time...

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man we started are rider d's about the same time, now we will be starting new cpo's around same time . i think we will need to post some compare and contrast pics sometime. keep the posts coming ! thanks.

Hell yeah dude, sounds good. Thinking about giving my dungarees their first wash soon, starting to get that "filth" sheen on them

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I wonder which American company made them and where the leather came from. The leather seems a lot different than the jacket. Is FQHH used on boots?

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Call them and ask.

But before you try to compare their prices with a bootmaker you have to take in that they had to start from scratch, from dying hides, selecting hides, carving an original last, having several prototypes made by different shoemakers and cobblers, ad all of that accounts into the price. You can't expect something they've been working on without a manufacturing company backing them to be cheap. If there's one item this season that really calls for the price tag, it's those boots.

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Back on that boot discussion, they are $950 and that's the final word from mister freedom. Only one or two pairs or each size.

amazing how these things are getting this much of hype without even one picture... ;)

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Call them and ask.

But before you try to compare their prices with a bootmaker you have to take in that they had to start from scratch, from dying hides, selecting hides, carving an original last, having several prototypes made by different shoemakers and cobblers, ad all of that accounts into the price. You can't expect something they've been working on without a manufacturing company backing them to be cheap. If there's one item this season that really calls for the price tag, it's those boots.

I am assuming that whoever they got to make the boots has made similar boots before. The boot is pretty standard for an engineer, just with really nice leather and some thick leather soles and the uppers are a little bit different, but nothing drastic. I wouldn't believe the hype that MF searched high and low for capable cobblers (marching through the appalachians, rafting the grand canyon, scaling the rockies) just to produce these boots. There are a few well known bootmakers/companies in the states and it most likely requires a few calls and some meet and greets and some changes to the patterns (or whatever they're called in cobbler terminology) and boom you have a custom boot. The only difference now in price is that we need to factor in that one more mouth needs to be fed (sugar cane, mister freedom, and now a boot company).

Other companies do collaborations with shoe companies and produce a new type of boot, but the price is not ridiculous at the end of those collaborations (alden tanker, alden roy boot, etc.)

These really are nice boots, but I don't think they are $950 nice.

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amazing how these things are getting this much of hype without even one picture... ;)

They are actually pretty amazing in person and they look pretty good in the pics as well.

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I was just with Christophe on a night of drunken abandonment in Tokyo and one at one point in the night he said "look at my boots, these are the boots" and at that point i knew that i needed the boots. I cannot speak for anybody other than myself, i need those motherfucking boots. And i will own them regardless of price.

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I am assuming that whoever they got to make the boots has made similar boots before. The boot is pretty standard for an engineer, just with really nice leather and some thick leather soles and the uppers are a little bit different, but nothing drastic. I wouldn't believe the hype that MF searched high and low for capable cobblers (marching through the appalachians, rafting the grand canyon, scaling the rockies) just to produce these boots. There are a few well known bootmakers/companies in the states and it most likely requires a few calls and some meet and greets and some changes to the patterns (or whatever they're called in cobbler terminology) and boom you have a custom boot. The only difference now in price is that we need to factor in that one more mouth needs to be fed (sugar cane, mister freedom, and now a boot company).

Other companies do collaborations with shoe companies and produce a new type of boot, but the price is not ridiculous at the end of those collaborations (alden tanker, alden roy boot, etc.)

These really are nice boots, but I don't think they are $950 nice.

1. These were made by a local cobbler in Los Angeles that christophe was friends with, not a company, but one guy, local shop and such.

2. Sugar cane does not get a cut from these, it's straight up just the store doing this.

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Oh and how the fuck are you gonna compare a shoemaker that's been around for 120 years, with many different leathers and lasts available to them, with worldwide distribution and many employees and representatives, with a store that's paying for and producing their first pair of boots by themselves without outside help? Come onnnnnnn

I mean, no beef intended to you or anything, but if you could throw something constructive around that would be great, it seems you come in this thread just to bitch and start fights, kinda unnecessary...

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Oh and how the fuck are you gonna compare a shoemaker that's been around for 120 years, with many different leathers and lasts available to them, with worldwide distribution and many employees and representatives, with a store that's paying for and producing their first pair of boots by themselves without outside help? Come onnnnnnn

I mean, no beef intended to you or anything, but if you could throw something constructive around that would be great, it seems you come in this thread just to bitch and start fights, kinda unnecessary...

No beef intended though, huh? I think I give MF his just due. It seems like you are willing to buy anything with the label MFSC on it though. I have bought some of the stuff and chosen not to buy others. You seem to lose any type of objectivity when it comes to the brand. I feel like it is someone's duty to snap some of y'all out of it.

More power to MF for getting a local cobbler to produce the boots, but it seems almost pointless if you are just going to charge an arm and a leg for them. It also seems pointless if you are just going to produce a somewhat run of the mill engineer with very little different from other companies. I mean, I will pay an extra $200 or $300, on top of what I would pay for say redwings or wescos, for a pair of nice boots to support a local business, but an extra $450 is pushing it a bit. The boots are beautiful, but they just aren't worth $950 dollars to me. I guess it is hard for me to figure where the line is for supporting local businesses as opposed to larger companies. Maybe if I had disposable income it would be worth it, but not these days.

I guess if Christophe is friends with the cobbler, they really didn't have to search for the right cobbler... right?

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I am assuming that whoever they got to make the boots has made similar boots before. The boot is pretty standard for an engineer, just with really nice leather and some thick leather soles and the uppers are a little bit different, but nothing drastic. I wouldn't believe the hype that MF searched high and low for capable cobblers (marching through the appalachians, rafting the grand canyon, scaling the rockies) just to produce these boots. There are a few well known bootmakers/companies in the states and it most likely requires a few calls and some meet and greets and some changes to the patterns (or whatever they're called in cobbler terminology) and boom you have a custom boot. The only difference now in price is that we need to factor in that one more mouth needs to be fed (sugar cane, mister freedom, and now a boot company).

Other companies do collaborations with shoe companies and produce a new type of boot, but the price is not ridiculous at the end of those collaborations (alden tanker, alden roy boot, etc.)

These really are nice boots, but I don't think they are $950 nice.

You're a gigantic idiot that gets off on speculating on shit that you have no idea about. I could spend a good three hours multi-quoting and undressing your faulty assumptions in this thread alone but its really not worth the time. I have no idea why you subscribe to this thread other than to make sure that at least every other page contains a post with you giving your "expert advice" that while the stuff is nice, it isn't x-amount of dollars nice.

EDIT: I was imprecise. I don't think rnrswitch is an idiot...he is definitely a saavy guy, and doesn't do a whole lot that he doesn't mean to. I meant to say he was an asshole.

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Dude, you just totally ruined my reading experience. Did I awake frumpy out of his slumber?

It is still fun to listen to y'all justify these prices. I know the cost of doing business is more expensive for MF than for other companies, but just because the cost of doing business is higher does not make the end product worth the price.

If I were to spend 4 hours making a shirt, that is costing me $400 of my time. That does not mean that my shirt is worth the $400 dollars it cost me to waste my time. In the end the product still needs to be worth the cost to produce it and fortunately for MF they have die hard folks such as yourself to spend money blindly on anything they put out. And just because people are willing to spend money on something does not make it inherently worth that much. Dot com bust, housing bubble, etc.

Once again, I think the MF vision is great and the clothing is great as well, even though some of the stuff is a bit over the top, but I just don't like the "exclusivity" of it and in turn the inflated prices.

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Seriously, what's your issue rnrswitch?

You and people like you.

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See here is where I'm different, as of right now I own two mf pieces, the riders dungarees, and a vintage t shirt. I got the jeans because 1. I needed a new pair of jeans because my samurais had completely blown out, and 2. I really enjoyed the way they looked. I own the t shirt cause well, I wanted it.

Maybe one of those purchases was a "blindly following the hype" purchase but I wear that t shirt like 4 times a week.

There are quite a few pieces he has made that I don't enjoy, and I wouldn't buy, such as the signal vest, the will sweatshirt produced last year, the foul weather coat etc, those items I couldn't see myself wearing and I don't see them as useful additions to my wardrobe. Other items I really enjoy the way they look, the way they were made, etc...

Does that mean I blindly buy anything with a "mfsc" logo?

I doubt it.

Oh and exclusitivity, well I look at it like if you're pressing a vinyl lp, if you know you can sell 500, but the cost would be 25 dollars each, you don't press 5,000 even though it would make the lp cost $7.50.

In short, smaller production means higher prices, especially if a fabric was specifically produced for the small run item. But you already know that right?

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You guys are playing right into rnrswitch's game. I'm sure he's laughing at making you MFSC otaku get all riled up.

He was actually praising the boots' look, materials, etc... the only complaint he has is the price. I think it is absolutely constructive to talk about what these MFSC pieces really are when compared to offerings from other brands.

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