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I think it fits you well you just aren't used to seeing yourself in the boat neck. It's a great layering piece, and infinitely more interesting than the tee shirt and bandanna. I say keep it, the bandanna's and tees will be around much longer than that shirt and you'll definitely be able to snag one when you have some extra cash. If you return this now though and regret it later you definitely won't be able to buy it. Just my two cents though.

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isn't it an undershirt? why not where it under a shirt?

what I was thinking exactly, looks like an awesome layering piece, worn snug and underneath a shirt...

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If I kept it, I would almost always wear it under another shirt, like the CPO above, or a flannel. I just threw it on over the t shirt I was wearing today.

Good question, ThisSunday. I could always give it a hot drying and see if it will shrink up some. Then I'd probably need to soak and stretch the arms back out again. MF site says they are preshrunk, though.

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Zissou, I think you should keep it.

I can think of many ways to wear the thermal:

- wear it as a sweater - button-down shirt under it with a scarf

- layer it with a shirt - like you did in the second photo. You may try to button up the middle one

or if you don't like the boat neck, tie a large scarf would always help.

The color is very nice and it looks good on you. I would keep it for sure :)

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okok :) I will give it another chance tomorrow. I'm usually far too picky about fit, so maybe I should just get over it this time. I will say that the sleeves are ideal for wearing under another shirt- a little short and slim in the cuffs.

good point, mpcec. Katherine was telling me that they make some amazing idigo scarves that are one of a kind and they only sell in-store. I'm sure there are some in-store only tees as well. I really should hit LA sometime soon...

Just look at the stitching where the cuff attaches to the sleeve. Blows my mind.

Edit: I'm willing to bet that if I get the sleeves wet and stretch them longer, that the slim cuffs on the shorter sleeves won't pull the sides of the neck out so much...

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That shirt is so sexy. Good to see the sleeves are not too short, as that was my main concern.

I visualize it with a white tee over it with the sleeves slightly pushed up, some 501 cut jeans with big-ass cuffs and a pair of 30's-50's style sneakers and my beat up old baseball hat. Can't wait for it.

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Alright last post about this shirt from me. I jammed the sleeves up a bit, and I think I've gotten a better fit. The cuffs should stretch a little over time, and I might even fold them up once.

This is definitely a vintage fit. It's starting to remind me of my Buzz Rickson sweatshirt. The shirt is so damn nice I didn't reeeeally want to send it back.

Never mind the muffin top. I was paying attention to the sleeves!


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Some faded shit that I need to cover up! I'll tell you what I am going to have there- a black band on the outside of my wrist and an anchor on the inside. I have tiny wrists so it should take about an hour ><

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It is suppose to fit like this:


Go with your first instinct and return it. A smaller size will work a lot better for you. Even if it is a different colorway. you don't want to wear something that you are second guessing.

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Katherine was telling me today that it was quite an ordeal making those shirts. Christophe showed up with the rolls of fabric, then they made a pattern for the shirt. Because it was all deadstock material, they had no idea what would happen when it was washed and dried. So, they cut a standard sized sample of each fabric, washed and dried it, and then measured the percentage that it shrank and adjusted the pattern measurements by that percentage for each fabric. Crazy!
This is actually pretty standard for most apparel manufacturing. Its a pain in the ass, but totally necessary. If you don't do it, all your colors will fit differently.... no good.

At Stronghold we would do shrink tests on rags of new fabric. What you do is stitch a two foot square on a piece fabric and give it whatever wash the final products will get. Once done, measure the size of the stitched square and you determine the percentage shrinkage, in both length and width (i.e "2.5 by 3.5"... meaning 2.5% length, by 3.5% width).

You give these %'s to your pattern maker and they adjust the patterns accordingly. In most cases its just plugging them into software and printing new patterns.

NOT, by the way, intended to make any less of Christophe's process...... We all know he's a madman..... These shirts are gorgeous, I've been by the store twice already to fondle them and decide which color I'm getting....

yeah, im a textile development student and this is pretty standard testing for any reputable manufacturing operation

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I completely agree with this, there was a denim video recently on some blog that's been making the rounds and near the end it states "absolutely never wear denim on denim". This is something that's been done since the beginning of time, why now is it no longer accepted?

I think it's more the bandwaggon jumpers that came from men's contemporary that think it's not right, might look a little too "real" for them.

if i remember correctly the the cavemen uptown at the museum of natural history were rockin denim on denim


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Either of those bandanas would be fantastic.

I actually don't think my second fit is that far off of Christophe's and is very similar to jacob_davis's. Christophe's is a little shorter in the body and the cuffs are open more, but that's it. About the only person this would fit perfectly would have to be about 6'7" and 220lbs, but with short arms and skinny wrists. If it's long in the body on me, there aren't too many other people it's going to fit. It fits close to my body, but the material stretches so much in width that it drapes looking like it's too big.

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My chest measures 38-39". This shirt could easily fit someone with a 50+ inch chest because it stretches so much in width.

Be sure to post a fit pic of yours!

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those undershirts are cool and all, but i dont see why anybody would buy those over the new sweatshirts...

Price, color-ways, layering, and uniqueness.

I for one am HIGHLY interested in the particular one that Zissou has. I also really want the thick gray thermal but am not sure on the cuffs.

But each color is made in only one size right? Are they making only ONE of each color? That has me a bit confused.

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^It depends on how many different sized tube fabric they have for each color. I think there was only one size tube for the faded red, so there is only one size shirt in that color. The best thing to do would be to email or call Katherine with an idea of what size you want and ask which colors are available. Honestly, I think no matter what size, each shirt could fit a wide range of people.

Yeah, I don't really have $300 to drop on a sweatshirt, and I have plenty of clothes in grey, navy, and brown. When you compare the price of the thermal to that of other 'vintage' thermals, it's right on the mark. Plus, this is one-of-a-kind material and you know the construction is top notch.

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^It depends on how many different sized tube fabric they have for each color. I think there was only one size tube for the faded red, so there is only one size shirt in that color. The best thing to do would be to email or call Katherine with an idea of what size you want and ask which colors are available. Honestly, I think no matter what size, each shirt could fit a wide range of people.

Yeah, I don't really have $300 to drop on a sweatshirt, and I have plenty of clothes in grey, navy, and brown. When you compare the price of the thermal to that of other 'vintage' thermals, it's right on the mark. Plus, this is one-of-a-kind material and you know the construction is top notch.

I'm not too excited to spend that much on the Mechanic's Sweatshirt but I know I may just do that eventually. I think the Tubular Knit looks great on you, Zissou. That color is just perfect too.

We still haven't seen what Mister Freedom has in store for spring. We could have a whole crazy assortment of goods to drool over in the near future. Maybe even other sweatshirts.

I think the undershirt fits you well Zissou, it's suppose to a 30s 40s style . I had the sweatshirt and sold it to a friend for what I payed for it wasn't that attached. Really like my mf undershirt thou. Will be keeping it and wearing alot.

So you bought one of the new Tubular Knits and prefer it to the Mechanic's Sweatshirt? I'm still not really seeing all the little details of the Mechanic's Sweatshirt but from what I do see I still want it.

Did anyone else catch that J. Crew has stopped selling Mister Freedom items on the online store? I'm actually sad about that because I hoped to one day in the not too distant future pick up a size Large original Issue Denim Pea Coat.

Oh and now that J. Crew isn't selling it anymore that makes my size Medium Mister Freedom Denim Pea Coat the last original issue on the web!

Oh and for all you Mister Freedom boys and girls out there I'm willing to trade my Denim Pea Coat for a Large/XLarge Shore Vest plus some cash or possibly any other Mister Freedom pieces+cash that I don't already have (I have the Pea Coat's, Shore Shorts, Shore Coat, And Denim CPO).

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Technicolor- J Crew took down all of the Designer Collab stuff because they are having a site wide 20% off sale. Bastards. It will all be back up once the sale is over.

Alright, I am exchanging my thermal. There is another version of the faded red that I'm going to get. It will be the same body size as the one I got (since it's from the same roll), but it does not have ribbing at the bottom, so I can tuck it if I want. Also, this version has slightly longer sleeves and the indigo cuffs stretch a little more. Should be just right.

Have I mentioned how great MF is at taking care of customers?

Photo from Katherine:


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So you bought one of the new Tubular Knits and prefer it to the Mechanic's Sweatshirt? I'm still not really seeing all the little details of the Mechanic's Sweatshirt but from what I do see I still want it.

yea i had both. i have a few buzz ricksons sweats. there are more details on the mfsc sweats thou. the buzz sweat fits me better. i think the msfc run a little long for my taste that is why i sold my mfsc sweat. like i said before i really like the undershirts a lot and wear it often.

yea i mister freedom has some of best customer service i have come across. they are the best!!!!

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Did anyone else catch that J. Crew has stopped selling Mister Freedom items on the online store? I'm actually sad about that because I hoped to one day in the not too distant future pick up a size Large original Issue Denim Pea Coat.

Oh and now that J. Crew isn't selling it anymore that makes my size Medium Mister Freedom Denim Pea Coat the last original issue on the web!

Yeah I just went on the site today and saw that. No RW's either. It's a good thing I snatched up a Large MFSC Denim Pea Coat last week. It arrived last Friday afternoon and I am yet to soak it. Just looking back at Zissou's soaking methods. I need a little shrinkage as well. Sorry you missed out on that technicolor! I will post pics as soon as I am able.

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