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Does anyone on sufu work at craft? I called today about the riders, thought it would be ok to ask here.

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Ok. Either way, they were very helpful, they have a few pairs of midnight riders in size 34 on sale for 330. Someone buy them because I'm too skinny to.

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September or October

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Tks for the reply-

the back I'm speaking of is larger/rectangular like a messenger/duffle and has a shoulder strap.

I think -five- has posted some nice photos of it.

Though if the small tote was 800 I can only imagine what the larger shoulder strap bag would be...

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A boy can dream! :'(



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Seafaring Bag-

anyone know where to find one or how much it retailed for?


Hey JFposc, if i remember correctly it was cheaper than the tote, about $500 i think:confused:, you can always contact MF and ask if they have some left, ive seen it on some Japanese sites but that was a while back. If i found one, ill PM you.

@ djarrow and roy6 Damn great fit on those Mds and Dungarees :D

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Does anyone have the Japanese midnight riders? The pic I posted was me in waist 30 which has inseam 32, and I believe the Japanese ones are HEAVY washed, anyone know of that's true, false, or bullshit? I loved them though, made me sad to wear em

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^^ looks great! Great location too. What's that sweatshirt?

Thanks. It's a LVC 'Fly Eagles' sweat. From...2003? Ish. At the ruins of the Sutro Baths.

Roy Fuckin awesome and perfect fit!

(and to -five- also) Thank you sirs! I feel honored.

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