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Anyone else thinking about or already planning on going to this? http://inspirationla.com/

If I was in Cali I would definitely try to make it. If you go you must report back on the SS10 MF collection.

eltopo's waxed jacket reminded me that I need to get some wax for my Barbour. I believe Barbour won't have any more until the end of February. Hopefully I'll be able to drop into Orvis to pick up a can.

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I'll be there presenting and leading a discussion on the philosophy of vintage and americana clothing and its impact (or lack thereof) on Japanese tradition.


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Third up, and long overdue: the Mechanic Sweatshirt.

Available in chocolate, navy and heather. I went for navy since, well, it fits well with the rest of the blues I wear... Easy, ha!

Below, a closer look:



Sizing, soaking and shrinkage:

As a rule of thumb I take a Medium in all MFSC tops that won't shrink anymore, and a Large in the items that are unsanforized.

I did the same with the sweatshirt as it was preshrunk and intended as "stretch-to-fit".

When I received it, it seemed on the small side and when I first tried it on it felt pretty tight. After about a day of wearing and stretching and pulling it turned out perfect, perhaps even a bit on the big side if one would go for a typical slim "old fashioned" fit.

I'm mostly wearing it with a button up under it these days.

Christophe intended it to fit short and fitted and that it would eventually stretch and warp to the wearers body, with the ribbing stretched because of all the wear and pulling. (I imagine it to look not very much unlike the crewneck worn by Kerouac here.)




Stamped cotton neck label and this seasons new rayon label, stamped with the items name and size.


The rayon label is stitched to the front inside of the bottom ribbing. Not the most common place for a label, but it makes for a nice rectangular stitch on the outside front.


A closer look at the two pockets, the top one fits a phone or pack of cigarettes exactly (am not totally sure, but guessing that that's what these kind of pockets were originally intended for, seeing when they first started appearing on shirts a lot, is pretty much around the same time that literally everybody carried a pack around). The button holding the flap down is the same metal painted one as used on the Mechanics shirt.


This also clearly shows the clever cutting of the tube to allow for extra room in the sleeve under the armpit. The whole body as well as the ribbing are a tubular knit.


As the ribbing is a single piece of knitted tube, which is used completely for the bottom ribbing, they had to manufacture 4 different widths of ribbing to accommodate for the 4 different sizes the sweat is available in.

The knit itself is a really soft and stretchy 100% cotton 3x1 knit, using two cream and one grey yarn creating this nice melange light grey.


Since the sleeve ribbing is cut out of a bigger piece it needs a seam, which at the end is bartacked for extra strength.

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The 100% cotton heavy weight fleece as seen from the inside. Extremely soft and fluffy!

The fabric is piece dyed and light sensitive, meaning that, while not indigo, it's colour will eventually change with exposure to sun, washes and, ofcourse plenty of wear!

I am really curious to see how this will look after a year of intense wear. A sweater with a well defined and somewhat contrasty wear pattern is something of a holy grail for me...

It has 100% cotton charcoal grey flatlocked seams throughout the whole garment.


This pic shows how the ribbing is already starting to stretch and it also shows how well the fabric molds to the body and also holds that shape. Those are actually very well defined elbow creases for a sweatshirt, and from up close it even looks as if the "deep" of the creases is a darker blue than the fabric around it. But perhaps that is just my wishful thinking...

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Old brass


Some pictures of my favorites out of the small batch of vintage brass buttons I found.

I decided to replace the buttons that were already on the Shore Jacket (which were also vintage, just a little more uniform),

it's interesting to see how something as simple as switching already beat up looking buttons to an even more aged and random looking assortment totally changes the look of the jacket.

To be fair the whole jacket has also gotten a lot grimier overall, which probably contributes to it looking less "bright & shiny".


This button is probably the most random out of the bunch, it reads "Legion Etrangere", which is indeed The French Foreign Legion.


One of roughly the same design, but a different material and more beat up. It reads "Garde Nationale", National Guard.



Both this anchor and ordnance button look like they've been on the bottom of the ocean for ages.



This one is also quite odd.

While it is impossible to make out on this picture and also quite hard in person, it reads "Sapeurs Pompiers" which is the fire brigade.

I can easily picture a deep black fireman's coat with these bright white buttons on it.

What is interesting is the way the top is coated with a fairly thick layer of what most resembles white paint or even plaster.

It is very rough, and looks almost home done. I have never seen this kind of coating before and I'd like to find out what the story is behind it.

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I remember a few months ago someone posted an 8 panel picture of the evolution of their liberty issue CPO. searching the thread is turning up nothing ( i think my search is broken, when i search this thread for CPO, there no matches.... aka broken). can someone re post, quote or PM the image.



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I remember a few months ago someone posted an 8 panel picture of the evolution of their liberty issue CPO. searching the thread is turning up nothing ( i think my search is broken, when i search this thread for CPO, there no matches.... aka broken). can someone re post, quote or PM the image.



cross post in denim evolution thread (http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showpost.php?p=1798304&postcount=15422)

mister freedom cpo - 1st time washing it after wearing for ~2.5 months all day everyday

click to enlarge (50%)


crosspost for cottonduck:

wash info:

no soak

washed 2x

first wash at 2.5 months + dryer (3rd picture set)

second wash at 5.5 months + air dry (4th picture set)

everyday wear

mister freedom out of rotation due to the hotnessss damn lazy...

its actually been 5 months constant wear


click to enlarge

+ more details!!

1 2 3 4 5

Two great posts.

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Yeah that CPO was pretty amazing. I wonder what it looks like now.

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I can't speak for the mechanic shirt, but the denim utility shirt is fantastic. Compared to even the chambray utility shirt, it fits quite slim. I didn't even think it was still available.

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