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Five, If you ever make it to Sydney, look out for a guy dressed exactly the same as you in that pic, and more often than not, it will be me!

Great Deck Jacket - I was torn between the Buzz Rickson and MFSC, and I can see that the MF is as good if not better!


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@ desu Thanks :) i really liked how you wear the BR deck in the waywt before, had the same problem in choosing which Deck i want, went for the MFSC in the end as i think its a "little" bit easier to wear everyday without the USN print on the back and its find it a bit more comfortable to sit down without unhooking the jacket compared to the ribbed originals :-)

@doc great great purchase..here waiting for more pictures!

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Doc! I thought you said you would never do it........

i said i would not buy those yes. ......(and i hope that those pics will not restart some shitty discussions we previously had on these)

then i saw evo pics from Christophe boots

then i said to myself that i had never been disapointed by MF stuff and that it was worth giving a try, and support a good fellow in his projects.

they are truly olive, as you can see. i am curious to see how they will age. i wore them a day long but it is pure madness here with the heat to go on wearing them for the moment . i will make some close up pics that week end to share with you guys then wait until fall comes.

the making is really well done, but there is nothing crazy about those.

they are really original in the design and shape; (very different from wescos wich are my fav ingeneers boots)

so my first impression is quite good. they are original boots for sure, great quality, but its not the big big love at fisrt sight. (i knew that already you would say as pics were quite suggestive of what they are ....)

and : those boots are not made for bikers as the sole is really slippy. almost fell with my bike ....)

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Lol. Fashion over function every fucking time

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i went TTS (lol)

im 11 on white's 11.5 on wescos so i went 11.

fits perfectly.

a litltle tight but as every new pair . the insole is really comfy.

leather is cowhide i think, didnt ask tho ... this point need to be checked.

for my second day i rather like them more wich is good.

they are quite light too wich is a good point

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those are definitely a different color than the first run, which were virtually black (i've seen them in person and the photos on the MF site clearly show a much darker color). personally, i think those look a lot better - but i hope you were made aware of that difference before purchasing...

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those toes look like they're really low... are they pinching at all? I wish the harness was lower as the pics look like they're just wellingtons.

How thin is that leather on the top part? It looks a little like the leather on those distressed bomber jackets from the 80's... of course I can only see pictures...

I do like the soles. they're wearing fast for just one day...

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Regarding the Gap Mister Freedom collection from Mister Freedom himself:


The story with this tee is basically this: the Gap mens knits head designer

is a long time loyal customer of ours and he asked us to do a design for

AIDS relief in Africa charity called Product [red]. Not exactly the kind of

thing you can say "no thanks" to.


Just wanted to put that out there so this didn't devolve into some "how could my precious Mister Freedom be at the Gap?" conversation.

Long story short, profits go to help AIDS research and Mister Freedom doesn't get a penny from any of this, it's a donation to charity and honestly a good look considering some of the other major celebrity figures connected to project RED.

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