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superconfessional II: the sequel


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I've got random one week breaks between month-long externships this next year and I'm thinking about just driving out to a weird part of the states and doing all the drugs I forgot to in college.


Something something mountain top LSD experience.

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if it's 3 hours each way you should consider looking for a place to sleep that is close to the job for the 4 months. especially if the pay is so good.


also 4 months is like nothing (or maybe i misread that)

Edited by redX
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It's three hours both ways, but I'd be taking the bus because I'm an invalid that cannot drive. The job is permanent(ish) which is nice. I usually work short contracts. 


I think you're right -- spending that much time on a city bus every single day would drive me to unimaginable depths of crazy. I'm going to ask them if I can telecommute part time. Hey, you never know! 

Edited by timber
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  On 3/4/2015 at 2:43 AM, timber said:

I'm up for a job that pays insanely well but the commute is nuts: three hours there and back. If I accepted I'd make more money in the next four months that I ever have in any tax year. That's a whole lotta cheese. 

  On 3/4/2015 at 3:52 AM, Kale Kohai said:

I commuted ~45 minutes everyday in high school for a $7 an hour job, I guess I'd probably drive 3 hours for $25 an hour. 

  On 3/4/2015 at 8:51 AM, redX said:



if it's 3 hours each way you should consider looking for a place to sleep that is close to the job for the 4 months. especially if the pay is so good.


also 4 months is like nothing (or maybe i misread that)


count your blessings. I'm commuting 1.5 - 2 hours both ways in peak hour traffic for my research sem. In effect, I'm paying to get stuck in traffic. Also public transport takes about the same time


On a better note, enjoying the experience so far + supervisor's pretty cool

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  On 3/4/2015 at 3:20 PM, sporty said:

if i drive hour and a half in any direction I'm most likely out of my country


sup pope francis

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  On 3/4/2015 at 2:43 AM, timber said:

I'm up for a job that pays insanely well but the commute is nuts: three hours there and back. If I accepted I'd make more money in the next four months that I ever have in any tax year. That's a whole lotta cheese. 


unless your income is playing the shallow end of zero, i don't understand why you couldn't airbnb a room for that or sublet out your current lease. doesn't make sense to spend 6 hours/day sitting in traffic.

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sometimes i think i'm pissed by the time i get to work because of the morning commute that then really sets a bad tone for the rest of the day. i feel flustered. my mind starts wandering going less than 30 mph thinking where the fuck is everyone trying to get to at 10am in the morning. don't most jobs start EARLY re: 7 -to 8am. why are there so many cars still stuck in traffic and everyone seems like they're just cruising (somewhere to go??), which then gets me thinking wtf am i doing. i wish i could play hooky. it takes approx 25 to 30 mins for my commute in the morning. it takes 10 to 15 minutes when i leave at night. talk about the difference between night and day. ymmv


fwiw i would check with the offer and confirm with the hiring manager whether your offer is a full-time permanent position. (it's just a little ambiguous when you say next four months; perhaps you are referring to when you file your tax return (?)/you are self-employed? (you mentioned contract prior).) I would also consider of course whether it is a job that you can really develop and integrate into your life long career path. 


because relocating can sometimes be a pain in the ass. 

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Currently commuting 1 hr 15 mins each way on average, never want to commute this far again.  The company is great and the pay is alright, but waking up before the sun is up and arriving home after the sun is down is depressing.  If i could get a job in the city and take a quick 10 min subway ride to work it would do wonders for my sanity / energy / work ethic. 

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@gettoasty don't take that commute time for granted.  trying to get anywhere in LA-- at any time is dumb.  a 20 mile drive that should have taken me; 28 min without traffic, 45 with mild traffic became 1.5 hrs at 5pm.

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I never understood the idolization of dead/past their prime actors/performers/musicians etc. like, why not just have your celebrity crush be Jennifer Lawrence or any of those types.


But then I started watching Katharine Hepburn movies. I'm on my 5th in two days and its all i can think about. Has me majorly confused. Her type seems to have gone extinct.

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  On 3/4/2015 at 8:47 AM, ProfMonnitoff said:

a long commute is the worst thing you could ever do for your sanity

yup. also explains why so much of manila's populace is batshit insane somehow

bit of a late pass but i spend about an hour/hour and a half going to class and about two to three coming back during the rush hour (on a shit commute to boot) so i usually end up waiting around some place with a book. it helps i guess but i either spend to wait with a bunch of other folks in a foul mood or i spend to read a book somewhere.


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  On 3/15/2015 at 9:24 AM, pas de deux said:

I've never really liked foie gras and I think the "foodie" trend of throwing it into everything is as stupid as "bacon culture" in the US


So there is (has been/was) an annoying trend of putting all the trendy shit into a single meal, I think I had a few dishes in Southern California a year or two ago with foie gras + caviar + bacon + pork belly in a single dish and I just had to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Also mac and cheese is one of those dishes where I can never imagine paying for considering how easy it is to make.

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