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ninetynine, would you mind posting the shirt when you get it?
most of these are fairly large projects, so instead of posting everything here, i've linked the albums
i wish i still had the data for these worlds because a lot of these screenshots are lossy, and the UI is visible in a few of them

Edited by jamokes
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  On 1/21/2014 at 5:05 PM, J_METAPHYSIKAL said:

Something i made out of a broken Yashica camera. I always wanted to take a 35 mm apart and see what the inside looked liked. tumblr_mzpyp5lnKt1qgn4fuo3_500.jpg



I have a Yashica P&S from a thrift store I still shoot with from time to time. I don't do a ton of stills work, I prefer to go with motion picture. This is my most recent video that I did for my friend's store. I've done several lookbook-type videos for his shop, a few music videos and some other random projects that I have wanted to shoot/document; but the long-term goal is feature lengths.





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^koven, i know you've shot for vice or something, but most of the time i feel your shots are overly contrived. for example, the main frame here has a lot going for it (strong silhouette, well defined lines and proportions, sweet colour palette, flatness of frame etc.), but those three extra vignettes just detracts from all of that. what are you going for with these very deliberate choices?

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  On 1/25/2014 at 9:26 AM, Quiver said:

^koven, i know you've shot for vice or something, but most of the time i feel your shots are overly contrived. for example, the main frame here has a lot going for it (strong silhouette, well defined lines and proportions, sweet colour palette, flatness of frame etc.), but those three extra vignettes just detracts from all of that. what are you going for with these very deliberate choices?


Thanks for the feedback


Vice, Vogue, Universal Music Group, and few other places.  I have a studio too lol.  


What I just posted was just a combination of the photos I took that day. It was a way of expressing what I did in a single image, I probably could have did it in a way that flowed better but I didn't have time. I didn't want to put multiple images of the same set on my flickr page. The link to the set is right under it so if you want to judge anything judge those.  Or judge my site. http://elllis.de/


I get what your saying thought about shots being contrived.  Most of the stuff I post on the net will be posted in some weird experimental way cause that's what the net is for, to test stuff. Photography as a medium and art form is still evolving, and these days its mainly viewed on the net as opposed to in books or magazines. I think that changes the way photos can be presented or what a photo is supposed to do/mean. I think the top photo is good on its own, but does adding all that extra shit take away from it in anyway? I guess it depends on the context but for me it made it more than just a photo and it made the other ones I took still matter even though I didn't post them on flickr.  

Edited by koven
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hey that's really cool - i wish i had the opportunity to do real work with the big guys. anyways, i was judging what was presented and trying to offer something constructive. like you said, the net is a great place for testing things. i also wanted to challenge you and better understand the thinking that goes into your work (especially given your experiences). personally i don't think a photo needs to mean anything. eye-candy is good enough for me. but it just seems a lot of contemporary art is being able to describe something visually abstract in some (vaguely?) coherent manner, which is again why i wanted to pick at your decisions a bit more. 


(+rep for not getting douchey to my rather blunt initial posting)

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  On 1/25/2014 at 12:22 PM, Quiver said:

hey that's really cool - i wish i had the opportunity to do real work with the big guys. anyways, i was judging what was presented and trying to offer something constructive. like you said, the net is a great place for testing things. i also wanted to challenge you and better understand the thinking that goes into your work (especially given your experiences). personally i don't think a photo needs to mean anything. eye-candy is good enough for me. but it just seems a lot of contemporary art is being able to describe something visually abstract in some (vaguely?) coherent manner, which is again why i wanted to pick at your decisions a bit more. 


(+rep for not getting douchey to my rather blunt initial posting)




No prob its always fun to explain my work or thought process. The problem with photography is that because its so easy to get into everyone gets an opinion so its sometimes hard to know what to take seriously or not or how in depth to go with a response.  I'm a photographer so photos mean something to me but its not the same for everyone. Sometimes its just about experiencing a visual pleasure, I get that. 

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