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superfuture members in bands: Post your music


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Reading the "what are you listening to" thread got me thinking: What about original music/ break-beats/ hip-hop/ raps/ -- by the superfuture members themselves??

Yeah, I'm not in a band, and I don't play any instruments. But I know some of our fellow superfuture members are in bands and do play music (ie: alex bigman x fashioncore: haha!). So, post clips of your music here: links to mp3s, myspace pages with samples of your music etc...

Let's hear it!!

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i play in a couple of bands, eleventh he reaches london and fool the world.

EHRL are difficult to describe....maybe a mixture of prog, post hardcore, indie, metal and post rock perhaps...?

FTW have evolved from playing melodic death with a few hardcore influences to brutal death metal. our myspace/website haven't been updated in ages though, so there's only samples from our 2004 EP.

i've been lucky enough to play and tour with heaps of cool bands.

eleventh he reaches london



fool the world



have a listen!

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I've played in random bands since I was 14, not doing anything serious now, and the only thing I'd ever actually attest to being responsible for was a noise record I put out a couple of years ago which is long, long, long out of print, but received many, many, many favorable reviews. Life gets in the fucking way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  notesee said:
Onemancult - Do you have the record ripped to your comp by any chance? I'm interested in checkin it out.

I actually might, if not, I know I have a master copy somewhere around here- I'll try to find it and PM you when I do.

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Kinda ot, but superfuturians in N Texas who actually can play instruments, hit me up, Erik is a pretty damn good guitarist, and is always loking for new people to play with, he's never been really into being a "band" but likes to just go and play random ish for hours on end.... metaly stuff or jazzy bluesy mostly

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i played in bands for like 16 years...some serious some not...they mostly fell apart because i am a drunken arsehole... :D

this is from 2000...the band is Go Victim it started as a ska band but too much smoke...we ended up doing 60's- 70's cop show music..


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  • 2 weeks later...
  keri said:
Kinda ot, but superfuturians in N Texas who actually can play instruments, hit me up, Erik is a pretty damn good guitarist, and is always loking for new people to play with, he's never been really into being a "band" but likes to just go and play random ish for hours on end.... metaly stuff or jazzy bluesy mostly

do you or erik go to north texas state and study jazz? im considering going there to study trumpet.

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  tweedlesinpink said:
a track from a recent gig - http://download.yousendit.com/5F6BAC7D49DF4978

it's jazz and it's instrumental, the number's blue bossa

i hated the gig (it didn't feel right at all and i was playing out of tune) but this probably the only decent track i've managed to record properly. stole the audio feed from the sound guy that night.

where are you located? and what do you play?

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yeah...it takes quite a bit to get a band, the right people, the right level of personal musical development, so many things. and then the hard work put into understanding and interaction within the music.

i do go down to a bar where the local pros jam every sunday night, good fun and decent musical output and plenty of learning on my side when i'm up on the stand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was, once upon a time, in a band called the Eclectics. Here's a sloppy link to some allmusic.com discography with a review of our first record.



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a friend invited to me to hook up with his band...he's a folk singer and doing some damien rice and jeff buckley covers for his gig at the end of the month and felt it was time to add on the string section. may not be the most cutting edge shit but it's something new for me. completely different from playing classical or jazz.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

shameless plug time....

both of my bands have some new material up on myspace.

fool the world have an unmixed/unmastered sample from our forthcoming second release up on our myspace. 'satyr' is blasting epic death metal business.

eleventh he reaches london have posted a demo version of 'for the commonwealth and the queen'....you can stream or download at our myspace. it will be on our second full length, due out early 2008. definitely a lot more focused and a natural progression from our previous shit. im pretty happy with how it has turned out, especially for a promotional demo.

check em out....hope you guys like it :)

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