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Recent Purchases 2013


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The issue is not with some of the guys here that purchase V but with others bitching about it. Every now and then when V stuff is shown here, someone has a problem with it. You guys are as biased as you claim we ("Visvim fanboiz" or whatever you label us) are. If we covered the labels, I would still go for V stuff simply because it pleases me aesthetically. You on the other hand, would stop bitching / whining about it, because you wouldn't know it's Visvim. I feel you are much more biased than we, "blind and bemused Visvim followers" are But yeah, that's an opinion from "Visvim fanboi" so what do I know. If whining/being intolerant wise ass helps you in your lives, go & have at it.

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  On 8/31/2013 at 9:38 AM, kojiro said:

The issue is not with some of the guys here that purchase V but with others bitching about it. Every now and then when V stuff is shown here, someone has a problem with it. You guys are as biased as you claim we ("Visvim fanboiz" or whatever you label us) are. If we covered the labels, I would still go for V stuff simply because it pleases me aesthetically. You on the other hand, would stop bitching / whining about it, because you wouldn't know it's Visvim. I feel you are much more biased than we, "blind and bemused Visvim followers" are But yeah, that's an opinion from "Visvim fanboi" so what do I know. If whining/being intolerant wise ass helps you in your lives, go & have at it.

you weren't really on my radar until now.  it was actually a  couple of other kids who've  made purchases that were utterly atrocious.  if any other member(s) had a tendency to purchase consistently ridiculous articles from any label that wasn't visvim, i'm positive that myself and other individuals would have to say something about it.  i am biased, but not against visvim in particular.  my bias is with the consumption of a label just for consumption's sake (of visvim or any other label).  i personally never "bitched" about your purchases.  i don't know if it was because the visvim pieces you bought were aesthetically unoffensive imo or if i just missed yr posts.  


like another member had just mentioned, it's curious that all visvim "enthusiasts" get all bent out of shape and rally the troops when some person on this site thinks the item in question is a lousy one.

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Again the biggest problem this thread has is people who talk and never post one product. I've been on Sufu for over a year maybe and shendefraude has never posted one item. He likes to hear himself speak like a fat bitch who never gets the dick

Edited by master716248
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My point is simple- if we are on V bandwagon, you are on V haters bandwagon. Same thing, different bend. The difference is that we're not accusing anyone, you guys throw accusations and bitch all the time for no reason.

I have absolutely nothing against critisizing a lousy purchase, I for one made a few myself which I regretted afterwards. Yes, V also has a some ridiculous stuff under the banner (headwear for instance). But focus on the stuff you see, without generalising and making false accusations over and over again.. ("blind followers of Hiroki" type of thing)

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Yeah honestly I prefer many other brands to vis, and I would say a small portion of what I wear is actually visvim. I own way more EG and supreme <_< than visvim. When I do buy visvim it fits well and I can see the quality of the garments, from stitching details to fabrics or washes. Shots are fired left and right when I purchase visvim which leads me to believe that people are just hating to hate. I don't hate on all the stupid ass tech shit and flyknits that are posted, and I could rant all day about why synthetics are poor for wearing, but I just don't. I appreciate diversity of opinion, and I understand that some people have different preferences. Now if the stuff I buy is actually ugly, then by all means neg away. 

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  On 8/30/2013 at 9:34 PM, kojiro said:

Then what exactly are you doing if not pitching in? And your attitude.. to throw in an extremely biased opinion on the matter you have no idea about, it's a bit hard to take you seriously. And not only that- you're usurping the right to throw one-sided judgements of what is aesthetically attractive and what's not..throw "in in my opinion", "for me", etc from time to time.

As for the shoes, it's not a fad- these shoes were around for 100+ years now and one of the reasons is that for some it's not a fashion choice but rather a necessity. But yeah, you'd definitely find something much more appealing than hiking shoes for my local weather in Poland right? It's -10 to -30 C here for 3-4 months with tons of snow, so what exactly should I be wearing in these conditions, Dior, Balenciaga, Tod's, Grenson, Tricker's, any suggestions?

Maybe try working on seeing the big picture & being a bit more tolerant, it's always a good thing to be open minded. It helps.

The fact that I buy a lot of V stuff nowadays doesn't mean that I don't have different stuff. Again, big picture man


its -10 to -40 C here for 3-4 months with tons of snow. I can get by with just a pair of lowtop sneakers. 

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There's a long sewn nylon piece beside the zipper in my visvim backpack that causes the zipper to get stuck like 40-60% of the time I zip or unzip it. Going to have to cut and melt the entire thing or sew certain points inwards so it stops getting stuck in the zipper. Nice detailing Hiroki you scam artist.


Ace Cash.



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  On 8/31/2013 at 2:17 PM, kojiro said:

My point is simple- if we are on V bandwagon, you are on V haters bandwagon. Same thing, different bend. The difference is that we're not accusing anyone, you guys throw accusations and bitch all the time for no reason.

I have absolutely nothing against critisizing a lousy purchase, I for one made a few myself which I regretted afterwards. Yes, V also has a some ridiculous stuff under the banner (headwear for instance). But focus on the stuff you see, without generalising and making false accusations over and over again.. ("blind followers of Hiroki" type of thing)

you basicially just reworded yr last post.  i am not on the "visvim hater bandwagon or whatever."  i just think that master and some of his internet buddies are fuckin idiots.  the fact that you continue to throw a tantrum just because someone doesn't like yr or others' purchases (in this case, of visvim) is indicative of one who worships a media made false idol by the name of nakamura hiroki.

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  On 8/31/2013 at 4:35 PM, Fycus said:

Yeah honestly I prefer many other brands to vis, and I would say a small portion of what I wear is actually visvim. I own way more EG and supreme <_< than visvim. When I do buy visvim it fits well and I can see the quality of the garments, from stitching details to fabrics or washes. Shots are fired left and right when I purchase visvim which leads me to believe that people are just hating to hate. I don't hate on all the stupid ass tech shit and flyknits that are posted, and I could rant all day about why synthetics are poor for wearing, but I just don't. I appreciate diversity of opinion, and I understand that some people have different preferences. Now if the stuff I buy is actually ugly, then by all means neg away.

yo you gotta admit that there has been some dumb visvim shit posted. it's not just visvim. people get negged and hated on left and right for kopping/posting all kinds of dumb shit. the big difference is that alot the visvim consumers go 2 great lengths to justify their visvim koppage. Edited by SSchadenfreude
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  On 8/31/2013 at 2:04 PM, master716248 said:

Again the biggest problem this thread has is people who talk and never post one product. I've been on Sufu for over a year maybe and shendefraude has never posted one item. He likes to hear himself speak like a fat bitch who never gets the dick

dear diary,

this world is full of fuckin morons.  ^here is another one. y does he think that i must  post recent purchases on this internet forum?  will doing so make my opinion of mindless shitty koppage any more valid? 

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Haha, it was a typical blind V hate by Egpt, nothing to do with liking or not liking my purchase. Are you even trying to read with understanding or just look at the letters and add your own version of substance? He came to a conclusion that I'm one of Hiroki's blinded followers basing on the sole fact that I think V hiking boots are the best hiking boots. By my book that's judging (falsely), how is that "not liking a purchase"? He jumped to a conclusion without the ground to stand on (cause it's either this or the fact that I posted a few other V pieces earlier), nothing to do with liking or disliking a particular item I bought. Oh and yeah just one post later he said that he couldn't care less for hiking boots in general and he is not familiar with the topic...I'm totally fine with someone critisizing things I buy, but if someone is just throwing shit around then I find it hard to treat it seriously.

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And one more thing dude- if someone cops something non-V which is fugly, he's negged and that's it. If someone cops something questionable / fugly by V, it's not just a neg but he's labelled a Hiroki's bitch / blind follower / an idiot etc etc. And then you guys take the next step and say that we are the ones that are 'hyperdefensive' or 'angry'.. come on

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  On 8/31/2013 at 6:32 PM, kojiro said:

Haha, it was a typical blind V hate by Egpt, nothing to do with liking or not liking my purchase. Are you even trying to read with understanding or just look at the letters and add your own version of substance? He came to a conclusion that I'm one of Hiroki's blinded followers basing on the sole fact that I think V hiking boots are the best hiking boots. By my book that's judging (falsely), how is that "not liking a purchase"? He jumped to a conclusion without the ground to stand on (cause it's either this or the fact that I posted a few other V pieces earlier), nothing to do with liking or disliking a particular item I bought. Oh and yeah just one post later he said that he couldn't care less for hiking boots in general and he is not familiar with the topic...I'm totally fine with someone critisizing things I buy, but if someone is just throwing shit around then I find it hard to treat it seriously.

like i mentioned you weren't on my radar, nor had i ever negged repped any of yr purchases. i don't care about your issues with egypt. it's the fact that you are mad defensive about anyone critical of visvim. Edited by SSchadenfreude
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  On 8/31/2013 at 6:37 PM, kojiro said:

And one more thing dude- if someone cops something non-V which is fugly, he's negged and that's it. If someone cops something questionable / fugly by V, it's not just a neg but he's labelled a Hiroki's bitch / blind follower / an idiot etc etc. And then you guys take the next step and say that we are the ones that are 'hyperdefensive' or 'angry'.. come on

that's not entirely true. example: when master bought those stupid ro sneakers.

if you and others hadn't been petulant babies and took yr medicine like good little children, then i'm pretty sure that things wouldn't have escalated to where they are.

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I'm not mad about anything- it's all internet talk, so I'm not going to get involved emotionally.

But yeah ever since I've grown up and that was a while ago, I'm kind of fed up with false and unfair judgements, hating/bitching etc. I come from a country flooded by intolerance, hate and frustration and I'm really fed up with it- I don't want to log in to a fashion forum and see the same crap.

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  On 8/31/2013 at 6:52 PM, kojiro said:

I'm not mad about anything- it's all internet talk, so I'm not going to get involved emotionally.

But yeah ever since I've grown up and that was a while ago, I'm kind of fed up with false and unfair judgements, hating/bitching etc. I come from a country flooded by intolerance, hate and frustration and I'm really fed up with it- I don't want to log in to a fashion forum and see the same crap.

well sorry to break it 2 you, but that is the nature of online forums. if there was no discourse at all, this wouldn't be a very interesting place.  


your country is full of intolerance?  i'm sorry to hear that, but guess what?  so is the country that i reside in and every other country for that matter.

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I'm a strong believer of constructive / positive thought exchange. And I agree that without irony or sarcasm it would be fucking boring and I wouldn't sign up for this either, but blind hate, false accusations etc is a kids thing. I'm sorry to say this but I'm no longer a kid (regrettably).


And regarding tolerance- yeeeah come visit eastern block countries.. I've been around the world a bit, maybe not  that much but enough to say this- you have nooo idea what it's like here.

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  On 8/31/2013 at 7:09 PM, kojiro said:

I'm a strong believer of constructive / positive thought exchange. And I agree that without irony or sarcasm it would be fucking boring and I wouldn't sign up for this either, but blind hate, false accusations etc is a kids thing. I'm sorry to say this but I'm no longer a kid (regrettably).


And regarding tolerance- yeeeah come visit eastern block countries.. I've been around the world a bit, maybe not  that much but enough to say this- you have nooo idea what it's like here.

i can't speak for other members here, but i think my hate is pure. 


yo i just said that i'm sorry 2 hear that, but what do you want? cry me a river.  then build a bridge and get over it.  everyone has got their own shit to deal with in every country no matter where they live.  sorry, but you can't expect to get on some internet forum and find utopia.  quite the contrary.  if you live in a tough environment, i'd have thought that you'd have developed  a thicker skin. 

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  On 8/31/2013 at 7:25 PM, kojiro said:

My skin is thick, doesn't change the fact it would be nice to relax a little. And internet forum hostility always has a stench of immaturity.

sufu is just entertainment, much like playstation.  sometimes informative, but mostly it's a source of amusement.


and  i don't think u've experienced my hostility.

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Posted · Hidden by ordo, September 1, 2013 - Stupid
Hidden by ordo, September 1, 2013 - Stupid
  On 8/31/2013 at 7:59 PM, master716248 said:

Fumma I'm almost positive you are a tranny

A tranny with a vocabulary of more than 50 words...

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Posted · Hidden by ordo, September 1, 2013 - Stupid
Hidden by ordo, September 1, 2013 - Stupid
  On 8/31/2013 at 8:03 PM, master716248 said:

At least we agree your a tranny

Your illytehrate

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