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so these movies worth watching? athough dont think they are out in Australia yet

I don't like David Fincher's movies but if you liked his previous work you'll like Zodiac. I went to see Reign Over Me with a female friend and she was the only reason I didn't walk out of the theater. Stay away from this one.

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went to chumash casino with my boy and some girls up the 101 (think the graduate where he drives through the tunnel, same place) finished with $100 profit from black jack, drove back to SB, ate some food downtown, back to my spot for tequila shots, out to the party, beer in kegs and stepped on some kids new fire reds (sorry)

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Finally saw Zodiac last night with some friends. Long as fuck but still awesome. I spent half the movie curled up in a ball like a little pussy. Man does David Fincher know how to fuck with an audience!

i loved zodiac, saw it on the first day it came out, and glad i did. its my favorite movie of 07 so far.

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She was there, great show too. Sucks you couldn't get in.

Thats what I heard from some random guy who was in there and came out but I think he was on drugs. But beyond that, I'm sure next time will be a good venue. I should get tickets next time.

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Worthy of mention:

I came back from work, had a shower, lied down for a minute, it was around 7pm, and fell asleep for 12 hours. Now I'm at work, realising I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday.

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leafs game, beat philly 5-4 in overtime,some guy had a heart attack(?) in between the third period and ot and they were defibbing dude down in the platinum seats, it was fucked

tomorrow im going back for raptors vs bobcats, hopefully an easy w

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Walked to a lame party, saw a girl I'm interested in but then her bf showed up. Got her outside and we talked for a bit. Turned off the shitty pop/rap music and put on my own house/pop-punk to try to get some dancing going. Left the party and went to another, made out with a girl for finding her cell phone. Walked back to the first party and passed out on the couch.

Woke up this morning feeling great, but then I had to walk across half the town.

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ate japanese food and went to go see tokyo police club. tokyo police club was playing with cold war kids, and well... cold war kids sucks. We left two songs into their set. on the way out talked with the tokyo police club, shook hands and what not. forgot to ask them to sign my shirt, oh well.

TPC is sick, I went to high school with the band.

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saw the blood brothers again

fucking amazing they played giant swan and guitarmy are rats and rats and rats for candy and fuck it ripped of my face again. and after i shook johnny whitneys hand and was giddy like a schoolgirl

i'm plannin on seeing them at the glass house on the 22nd. it should be an amazing show, im really excited to see them

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Guest jmatsu
i played drunk jenga


it appears that the female to male ratio is not even. the dork ratio seems to be in order though. no offense, of course...

who's the goober on the very left?

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leafs game, beat philly 5-4 in overtime,some guy had a heart attack(?) in between the third period and ot and they were defibbing dude down in the platinum seats, it was fucked

tomorrow im going back for raptors vs bobcats, hopefully an easy w

philly?? what game were you watching??? Pittsburgh buddy.

i hope you dont end up in the rogers centre when trying to get to the leafs game.

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