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Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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60 bucks for a massive spelling error? You'd like like a tit wearing it..... i'd expect a bit more from Rickey and the gang.

--- Original message by Ricardo on Feb 21, 2005 10:54 AM

I think it's on purpose, wouldn't they get busted if they used her name? but we get the picture on who it is anyway. It's a dope shirt, I have a fiberops shirt and the quality is amazing, i wonder if they got it produced from where ever fiberops does there shirts?


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Yeah I can see how people can take it that way. But look at all the kind of shit EM is pumping out. Shit is all thought out with double layers. I think initially it's a cop out, and then you look deeper and its funny, then I look at the price and I get turned off, but then I put it all together and I say BRILLIANT! It's like the act of actually tranaction is part of the art. For those who know, it's a pretty bold commentary, something that should have been more known in the first place.

That's my 2 cents.

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i still don't get it. i think its a mistake. if its a joke, then thats pretty esoteric. not even double layers, more like quintuple layers

either way, didn't really get its point across because most of us are still confused and scratching our heads.

maybe it was a mistake, but who cares, because newbs will just buy cuz its fiberops . bet most of the buyers dont even know who kruger was . they could have written "henry winkler' in orange cursive and it woulda sold the same.


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if its a joke, then thats pretty esoteric. not even double layers, more like quintuple layers

either way, didn't really get its point across because most of us are still confused and scratching our heads.

Seems to me like that is exactly the point of those shirts. The misspelling and inaccurate font may be for copyright reasons but could just as easily be a fuck up or an attempt to underline the fact that 90% of people (hello MTTM) who might recognize the Supreme logo have no idea who Barbara Kruger is. (I kind of prefer the idea that it's a fuck up.)

they could have written "henry winkler' in orange cursive and it woulda sold the same

You're probably right about that...

Edited by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Feb 21, 2005 at 09:31 PM

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to make the joke work they needed to nail the font. That's the whole point, regardless of the spelling.

--- Original message by CL on Feb 21, 2005 10:59 PM

Need to nail the font? come on now...you still know it's kruger/supreme like right? you could say the same the about the color then?

For this shirt to work they should've got the pantone right!

dope stuff


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to make the joke work they needed to nail the font. That's the whole point, regardless of the spelling.

--- Original message by CL on Feb 21, 2005 10:59 PM

Need to nail the font? come on now...you still know it's kruger/supreme like right? you could say the same the about the color then?

For this shirt to work they should've got the pantone right!

dope stuff

--- Original message by Convoy on Feb 21, 2005 11:37 PM

It's kind of like trying to rip off the Adidas logo but getting the type wrong. It just looks bad.

Pantone vs font is a completey different sory. But IMO, not nailing the font is like making the box purple.

You get the "idea" but it's still poorly exicuted. If you're going to sell a shirt for $60 it better be spot on.

I think the fiberops stuff as a whole is pretty poor in the graphics department.

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to make the joke work they needed to nail the font. That's the whole point, regardless of the spelling.

--- Original message by CL on Feb 21, 2005 10:59 PM

Need to nail the font? come on now...you still know it's kruger/supreme like right? you could say the same the about the color then?

For this shirt to work they should've got the pantone right!

dope stuff

--- Original message by Convoy on Feb 21, 2005 11:37 PM

It's kind of like trying to rip off the Adidas logo but getting the type wrong. It just looks bad.

Pantone vs font is a completey different sory. But IMO, not nailing the font is like making the box purple.

You get the "idea" but it's still poorly exicuted. If you're going to sell a shirt for $60 it better be spot on.

I think the fiberops stuff as a whole is pretty poor in the graphics department.

--- Original message by CL on Feb 22, 2005 09:21 AM

wow...poor in the graphics department?? haha I think you better learn some history on your brands...and I bet you'll be jocking in the next year....thats when the next wave of jockers will probably get it. but hey you got your opinion.


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oh yea you're right..they played a MINDTRIX on us

the joke ISN'T the fact that they used the wrong font or spelling era...

The JOKE is the whole supreme box tee thing..

thats my opinion..if the joke was the spelling era and wrong font choice..then im sorry its just not funny

if you're not new school, then you're a dropout!

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Has Anyone seen the T that says $lave instead of supreme, in the famous reversed 100pt futura italic bold text?? its made by some guy "FONEY" on the back it says "Foney"....."we think outside the box"

its pretty much clowning all the people who buy supreme for the wrong reasons...i'll try to find a picture of it


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