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I have completely forgotten how to write chinese characters.

On a side note, I havent heard from any Universities I applied to, and its almost the end of april. Im getting worried

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  cheep said:
until last night i had gone the longest i have in years without sex. funny thing is i didnt mind not having sex.

what, like, 27 hours?

... hoping my girlfriend comes over tonight wearing a miniskirt or something nice to get me all excited and back on track with her. met 3 girls over the weekend at that get-together i mentioned that all locked eyes with me from the moment i stepped in the room and were all beautiful. now i have to decide whether i'm gonna be super-bold and email one to ask her out, with the express intent of cheating on my gf. i haven't felt this kind of attraction for a girl in years maybe, so i probably will, but it hinges on a few things.

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  dismalfuture said:
what, like, 27 hours?

... hoping my girlfriend comes over tonight wearing a miniskirt or something nice to get me all excited and back on track with her. met 3 girls over the weekend at that get-together i mentioned that all locked eyes with me from the moment i stepped in the room and were all beautiful. now i have to decide whether i'm gonna be super-bold and email one to ask her out, with the express intent of cheating on my gf. i haven't felt this kind of attraction for a girl in years maybe, so i probably will, but it hinges on a few things.


10 characters.

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Ok, so lets see if the supergays can guide me...this might be a long post...and the grammar will suck...

Remember that chick from my last confessionals (we'll call her notblonde as coined by samsikle).

little history: had this girl in my anthro class, got her number, called her, talked to her online after the quarter was up, got into the same math class as her, she came and sat by me, been talking in class, little after, online alot...so I've been crying about my April 77's not coming all last week. So when they finally come on saturday I texted her as a joke saying they came and they fit.

She calls me later that day, to my suprise, and asked about my jeans at first haha, then i asked what she was doing. She's driving to work..so I ask if she's doing anything Sunday because it was supposed to not rain and me and some friends were having a bbq. She says she's doing something tomorrow night. I say ok we were going to do it in the day anyway, bullshitted for a little longer and told her I'd talk to her later that night. So I'm on AIM that night, she signs on and we talk for a little...I tell her where the bbq is she says "oh that'll only take me like 5 minutes" so im happy as fuck, she says she has to go to sleep and to call her whenever tomorrow.

So I wake up sunday...its nice...but (because I dont have a car...a big problem but im working on it) my friends are taking forever..so i finally get to the park at like 2:00 with another friend that borrowed his dad's truck. We skate until everyone else comes at about 4:00 with the food and stuff...I call NB, no answer...call again about 10 minutes later. So I just text her "we're at the park finally!" and about a minute later she replies with "im not gonna go". WTF...ugh...so I reply with ":( see you tomorrow" not the best reply at all but cant change that. That night I notice new myspace pictures of her and her boyfriend (she's never mentioned him to me, just seen on myspace, yes im a bit creepy)

So I see her at school today of course, she talks to me like usual, I try not to start any conversations because i have a tendency to be an asshole at times like this, but im much more relaxed than normal..not sure why. But she seems less comfortable than usual, I noticed her hands shaking some as she measured something in the math book (not sure if this is at all related). She makes some jokes in class, we laugh, blah blah, regular bullshit....

So now im all pyschotic and typing this shit. I rarely really like a girl, and even more rarely approach them...so i get really attached quickly.

So..um..what do I do?

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heres a tip from a supergay

a) smoke a blunt

B) go jackoff

c) tell the bitch shes a cocksucker for leading you on, surely she must've known that you were hitting on her

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  valhalla said:
i just lost my virginity 2 hrs ago...

Are you serious? Congratulations I guess, but log off superfuture and get back to the work bench... or he she (or he) has left, start bashing out some good masties while the image is still fresh in your mind...;)

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  apu said:
my graduation is coming up and i am really NOT looking foward to it, its a waste of time

for reals, sitting there in the fukin hot sun, no point to it

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  DUM said:

So..um..what do I do?

i'm 99.9% sure ppl have told you before (i'm too lazy to go check out the older post), but you gotta get out of the friend zone. otherwise, nothing is ever gonna happen and you're just gonna hate you for this. i know it's hard and stuff, but you really have to make the girl understand that you're in for more than friendship, cause as long as you don't, she's just gonna think of you as a friend (and judging from my experience, well the experiences of my friends actually, there's good chance she's gonna use you and dumb you the second her boyfriend/prospect, etc become available). my best friend is like this, he'll strike really deep friendship with girls he like and never make a move and it's killing me, especially that some of the girls have often said to me or other friends that they might want to do something if he ever acted on it. but the guy is too much of a pussy, so basically, he have tons of girl friends, but no girlfriends nor sex. please don't be like him

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  DUM said:


sounds like highschool man, haha... ya just gotta be... i hesitate to say aggressive but you gotta make your move, and you definately have to get over the attachment thing, it just makes everything so much easier

you just have to run game as hard as you can to sum it all up

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my best friend has been going out with my neighbor down the street

also a good friend

since the 5th grade and they broke up recently

but they are still getting their sexual tension out on each other

but the break up was because they needed some time along to figure shit out

my question is, is that still possible if their physical relationship is still there?

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  DUM said:

So..um..what do I do?

i know how you feel DUM, i've been in that situation recently, it sucks. But for me, she's really out of reach and i'll probably never get her, so i'm just trying my hardest to forget and avoid. As for your situation, just wait for the moment. Continue talking to her as usual, and when she breaks up with her current BF then try to make a move. Much easier than done though, i know.

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Guest jmatsu

i'm attracted to a lesbian model who has apparently dated men in the past before fully coming out. how do i make her defect back to the home team??

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  DUM said:
So..um..what do I do?

jesus christ man. pick up your balls. don't be the "let's just be friends" guy damnit. Stop talking to her on AIM and stop calling her telling her about your frickin jeans. And stop asking her to picnics. Girls don't get all wet inside when you take them to picnics. It's embarrassing. Notice how you're not in control of the entire situation? How you're always allowing her to dictate how the relationship progresses?! And how you're always trying to modify the situation to accomodate her needs. Girls hate this. It's not attractive. You've already asked her out a bunch of times and she's basically gave you the run around. My suspicion is that she likes the attention and you're feeding her ego and you're taking the bait. I personally think this is over because she's already built an impression of what she thinks of you. Stop talking to her unless she talks to you first and start hitting on other girls. Come on strong to them, be sexual, ask them out on dates. Once she sees you as a man with options she might change her tune.

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  jmatsu said:
i'm attracted to a lesbian model who has apparently dated men in the past before fully coming out. how do i make her defect back to the home team??

Give her the best sex she's ever had in her entire life. Seriously.

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Guest jmatsu
  djrajio said:
Give her the best sex she's ever had in her entire life. Seriously.

the real dilemma is how to get her into the sack though. i'm going to try and get her drunk as fuck! i'll pm her modelling homepage if you're interested.

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  Corbin Law said:
my best friend has been going out with my neighbor down the street

also a good friend

since the 5th grade and they broke up recently

but they are still getting their sexual tension out on each other

but the break up was because they needed some time along to figure shit out

my question is, is that still possible if their physical relationship is still there?

I'm in high school also, but god damn shut the FUCK up with this lame, white bread and baloney, teenage angst. All you ever post about is about is how you want to get high or that your lame friends broke up. If you want smoke a blunt, smoke a blunt. If you want to fuck whoever, do what you do, but please do not make anymore annoying posts.

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  jmatsu said:
the real dilemma is how to get her into the sack though. i'm going to try and get her drunk as fuck! i'll pm her modelling homepage if you're interested.

What happened to the butt/lube chick?

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fuck this,

and fuck stupid teeng agnst shit im accused of

teen agnst is those stupid fucking bitches who listen to nirvana

and bitch about life in suburbia

and how they just wana go to shows and take fucking pictures for photo 1

fuck that, i live in suburbia and i know it

i know that shit is all provided for me its no fucking ghetto

i know that i roll in a 93' camry

suburbia is a different place, nothing happens so we fucking deal with it

i cant smoke pot, does that make me a lameass. i cant smoke pot cause

id rather do what i love, which happens to be drug tested, but its thats the way it is

then so be it. sometimes i bitch about how i could really use a blunt right about now

and thats stupid of me. im one of those kids who does shit in school. wins the awards loved by people in high places for that and i still try to fit in a weekly shitfacing.

i was raised with sex not a huge priority in my life, oh well.

most of the time id rather make music, or be on stage, or get drunk around a bon fire somewhere.

i dont really feel the need to go out and get head from drunk bitches

if i do get head from drunk bitches thats not the intent that i began the night with

i am not going to go after shit just cause its expected of highschool culture.

i bet all this above is just a bunch of whitebread bitching

but who gives a fuck its superconffessional, we should feel free to rant when we feel the need to. thats what this thread is for.

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  Corbin Law said:
fuck this,

and fuck stupid teeng agnst shit im accused of

teen agnst is those stupid fucking bitches who listen to nirvana

and bitch about life in suburbia

and how they just wana go to shows and take fucking pictures for photo 1

fuck that, i live in suburbia and i know it

i know that shit is all provided for me its no fucking ghetto

i know that i roll in a 93' camry

suburbia is a different place, nothing happens so we fucking deal with it

i cant smoke pot, does that make me a lameass. i cant smoke pot cause

id rather do what i love, which happens to be drug tested, but its thats the way it is

then so be it. sometimes i bitch about how i could really use a blunt right about now

and thats stupid of me. im one of those kids who does shit in school. wins the awards loved by people in high places for that and i still try to fit in a weekly shitfacing.

i was raised with sex not a huge priority in my life, oh well.

most of the time id rather make music, or be on stage, or get drunk around a bon fire somewhere.

i dont really feel the need to go out and get head from drunk bitches

if i do get head from drunk bitches thats not the intent that i began the night with

i am not going to go after shit just cause its expected of highschool culture.

i bet all this above is just a bunch of whitebread bitching

but who gives a fuck its superconffessional, we should feel free to rant when we feel the need to. thats what this thread is for.


Nirvana rules.

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