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Forgot about that shit. I actually care even less, now.

On a side note, did anyone notice that one of the tags for this thread is "animal sex fetish?" Impressive.

um, i hope n one does post about their animal sex fetishes, i was listening to a radio program and they were talking about how sex with animals is illegal if the animal doesnt like it, wtf?

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^I'm pretty bad too actually...ok at football maybe...and volleyball is just fun. Im actually pretty good at badminton(sp?)...does that count?

So, because I'm sure you guys all remember my posts in here, I'm still talking to that chick from class, yay...in another class with her, but I haven't hung out w/ her outside of class yet, weathers nice lately so me and my friends are going to be hanging out at this park tomorrow (skating/volleyball/bbq/etc.) and I'm going to try and get her to come...I'm posting this so you guys can neg rep me if I'm either too pussy to call her or she doesnt come.

I'll post pictures for proof haha

Thanks, fuckers.

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Well I've been working so much and then studying after work I developed an eye infection in my left eye. I decided not to see the nurse girl that called me outta the blue because of it. Oh well...

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^ My girlfriend nowadays is a nurse too. I'm liking it, though I've yet to be treated to the uniform. Im kind of saving that for later to savor.

Likewise I've been drinking a lot less these days (part of maintaining a steady job and a relationship with another human being, whatever that bullshit means) and have been getting hurt all the time now. I think I've really damaged a disc in my neck as I can barely move it 3 or 4 days out of the week, my middle finger on my left hand won't extend fully without excruciating pain (I can forget about driving in LHD countries), and my kneecap has been sore since I smashed it on a taxi fenderlip when I was drunk last week with a bottle of wine and a bag of shwarmas in my hands. Thinking I might go back to drinking more just so I get hurt less or at least notice it less.

other random thoughts-

CMF is like our board's Kurt Cobain IMO; too lazy to type my explanation as to why, maybe someday.

I am disgusted by both seafood and cold food/leftovers of once-warm food; prevents me from doing dishes for a long time. In addition, when my kindergarten kids in my class half-eat their lunches and try to tell me they're full, I make them put the plastic lids back on their lunch trays and make them take home half-eatn cold food garbage in their backpacks to their moms, because I can't be fucked to dump their cold food trash in the garbage and just really don't want to touch it.

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why is that? seriously. 'cause if i slept with all the hot gay guys that hit on me id be the bi wilt chamberlain.

I would imagine it's the same rush a heterosexual man would get if they could convince a straight-up lesbian (an attractive one mind you) to sleep with them. Would that not be the ultimate conquest?

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i droppped by a friend's birthday party tonight...and for the first time in awhile, i was scared for my life. one of my friends gets pretty damn heated when hes drunk and started shit with the wrong kids and had 4 guns to our faces. i nearly pissed myself for a split second but luckily we had some mutual friends that calmed everybody down.

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i droppped by a friend's birthday party tonight...and for the first time in awhile, i was scared for my life. one of my friends gets pretty damn heated when hes drunk and started shit with the wrong kids and had 4 guns to our faces. i nearly pissed myself for a split second but luckily we had some mutual friends that calmed everybody down.

wow, time to find new friends? time to hang out in better neighborhoods?

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well i live in the university district at UW and its been known to have some sketchy people in and around the udistrict. like last week, early in the morning, some crazy ex-bf of some UW faculty members came into her office and shot her and killed himself. whack ass fuckin people but the kids with the guns are from Federal Way or Tacoma or something

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superconfession - my girlfriend of 3 years has put us on hiatus (broken up?), mainly because I've been an asshole to her for the past month or so. and a day after her birthday, at that (I royally fucked that up too). soo I don't know how to feel right now, aside from that feeling of realization that I never knew what I had until it was gone/too late

somebody cheer me up... I know I'm going to be in a rut for the next few days/weeks... I need to get out of the house

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superconfession - my girlfriend of 3 years has put us on hiatus (broken up?), mainly because I've been an asshole to her for the past month or so. and a day after her birthday, at that (I royally fucked that up too). soo I don't know how to feel right now, aside from that feeling of realization that I never knew what I had until it was gone/too late

somebody cheer me up... I know I'm going to be in a rut for the next few days/weeks... I need to get out of the house

1. Get the fuck off the internet.

2. Stop taking advice from the internet especially fashion obsessed geeks. (apply this rule after you taken my advice)

3. Give her space. No girl wants a whiny lil bitch calling and calling and stalking her. Time will make her miss you, not your whining.

4. Look around, maybe there's someone else out there.

5. Wait.....

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1. Get the fuck off the internet.

2. Stop taking advice from the internet especially fashion obsessed geeks. (apply this rule after you taken my advice)

3. Give her space. No girl wants a whiny lil bitch calling and calling and stalking her. Time will make her miss you, not your whining.

4. Look around, maybe there's someone else out there.

5. Wait.....

i agree with all of the above... especially taking advice from people on here... im sure the average sufu poster gets laid much less than the societal average

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