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my roommate for this year is gay. i have no beef with gay people. hes not even queeny or flamboyant, which is a plus i guess.

but im shitting bricks thinking of the first time i slip up and tell him to "quit being so gay" or ask him "what the fuck, you faggot?!"

where ive lived my whle life gay doods are still pretty much kept in the closet and tons upon tons of people speak like i do. nothing hateful, 'least nothing coming from me. but i know im going to slip..

chris, gbc, who else? how bad will it be if/when i fuck up around him and other classmates?

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my former roommate is gay

it really wasnt a big deal at all

but i guess that's cause he was very modest and i dont have a habit of calling stuff gay

also he was semi closeted

well not really

but he didnt really openly talk about it

i am 98% sure my roomate for next year is a closeted gay man

idk wtf is with me having gay roommates

but that's just how it happened

(awaiting jokes implying that i am gay)

but anyway

it really wasnt a big deal to me

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my roommate for this year is gay. i have no beef with gay people. hes not even queeny or flamboyant, which is a plus i guess.

but im shitting bricks thinking of the first time i slip up and tell him to "quit being so gay" or ask him "what the fuck, you faggot?!"

where ive lived my whle life gay doods are still pretty much kept in the closet and tons upon tons of people speak like i do. nothing hateful, 'least nothing coming from me. but i know im going to slip..

chris, gbc, who else? how bad will it be if/when i fuck up around him and other classmates?

aren't you going to FIT, what did you expect?

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at first i thought you quoted my post for some reason and i was like noggro you know were i'm goin

then i thought, hm the same thing could sorta apply to my school

your ratio is still better. do you hang out by the quad during the spring? i used to ditch work for hours just sitting there watching the talent walk by

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which quad you mean?

there are many quads

but i would def hang out on the main green at least when the weather was nice

i'd take work with me though cause i'm a dork like that, haha

the one near the ratty, it was far enough away from my office that no one would see me.

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the one near the ratty, it was far enough away from my office that no one would see me.

haha, yeah i've definitely hung out over there (right near my dorm last year)

good stuff

frat boys with their speakers turned out toward the quad blasting typical frat boy music

the cwgs that go with every frat house

the cwgs from that one sorority

and everyone else walkin to and from the ratty or just chillin on the grass

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i hate my hair when its really clean. its too dry and voluminous and hard to manage. its better after a few days not washing once its naturally oily and been flattened out. but i hate it then cause i can smell that shit and i know if i can other people can too.

Same here. What I do is that i wash them before going to bed, and i take a shower in the morning and get them wet. then i wash them every 3 or 4 days depending on how itchy they become.

also, a gay roommate is better than a hot roommate with a bf.

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my roommate for this year is gay. i have no beef with gay people. hes not even queeny or flamboyant, which is a plus i guess.

but im shitting bricks thinking of the first time i slip up and tell him to "quit being so gay" or ask him "what the fuck, you faggot?!"

where ive lived my whle life gay doods are still pretty much kept in the closet and tons upon tons of people speak like i do. nothing hateful, 'least nothing coming from me. but i know im going to slip..

chris, gbc, who else? how bad will it be if/when i fuck up around him and other classmates?

I'm going to go ahead and say they probably won't mind.

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I agree with you Leonard but you cant deny they got most of the sexiest broads in that school still lol.. I mean even BMCC has a good amount of girls that make me say holllyyyy sheeetttttt

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yes yes...

I'm going to church.. and i don't really feel like going .. :( I'm tired of playing the piano for below medicore singers


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my roommate for this year is gay. i have no beef with gay people. hes not even queeny or flamboyant, which is a plus i guess.

but im shitting bricks thinking of the first time i slip up and tell him to "quit being so gay" or ask him "what the fuck, you faggot?!"

where ive lived my whle life gay doods are still pretty much kept in the closet and tons upon tons of people speak like i do. nothing hateful, 'least nothing coming from me. but i know im going to slip..

chris, gbc, who else? how bad will it be if/when i fuck up around him and other classmates?

If he offers you a bj, it only makes you gay if you reciprocate

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Dino going to fit????? Didn't know you were that serious about fashion. And it might not be a bad idea to say to your room mate that you have absolutely nothing against gay people but people back where you used to live just used the term more frequently in a different way, so just tell him to try not to take it personally if you ever do say it? Seems better to say that first before calling him a fag accidently randomly. I don't know any gay people, though, so I wouldn't know.

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In FIT your going to be around a lot of homosexuals, just something you got to deal with especially in that school .. and in manhattan ,but i doubt hes a flaming homophobic

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