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I hate ordering pasta at "authentic" italian restaurants because I hate al dente. Shit is not cooked. If you are an asian man who grew up eating noodles anywhere in asia this is bullshit. I like buckwheat noodles, I understand the texture is important, but don't tell me the penne is perfect when I'm almost crunching the middle.

Everytime I goto a Batali place I can only order tagetelle, ravioli, or gnocci because I have to send the other pastas back and the waiter gets all fucking uppity with me.

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Guest Phrost
As I laid there, the ghost bent over and slowly pulled the sheets down. I cracked my eyes open and couldn't believe what I was seeing. The ghost looked just like my uncle. It must have been an ancient dead relative of his. As I kept my charade up, the ghost reached into my shorts and started touching my thighs, working its dead hands up my legs until finally his cold, clammy hands wrapped around my tiny unit and tugged on it until I got an erection. I was so terrified of the ghost that I just sat there and took it without making a move. This probably happened about 60-70 times during the summer. Each time I was too terrified to move, although a couple nights I accidentally moaned out of fear.

this post from the weirdest/scariest experience thread needed to be x-posted. this is supercofessional after all.

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now hthat i'm really thinking about it that rich fuck was a cheapskate.

if he would've been in mexico it would've been okay, just go to your nearest 2 peso taco stand and have a feast, but I haven't seen any of those here.

Have you been to that one taco stand/shop in Polanco that has vallet parking? I thought it was mad funny, tacos were kinda expensive tho, like 40 pesos each. Wait are you from DF or is that someone else?

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is there a way to test drive a pagani for not too much money ? i'll never be able to afford one, at least i guess, but i'd like to try that shit once in my life. none of my friend has one neither (yet).

now my confession, it's 5am, and i played SKATE on xbox from 23.30pm to like 20 minutes ago aha.

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yeah this game is so addictive. i like how big tricks aren't easy to do, unlike this joke tony hawks i used to wortship some years ago. skate is definitely the best skate game, yet.

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if you guys are still just babies at that game heres a tip: don't rush through the storyline, take time to explore the game world, that was some of the best part of it for me, just skating aimlessly until you find a nice spot to hit.

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c1: i kind of feel like a creep because i always save pics from WAYWT threads that i like, i have SO MANY pictures

c2: i always assume people who are genuinely stylish are intelligent and i feel like this is a pretty safe assumption

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my dad just, officially, gave me his old car. i think for sentimental reasons im never gonna get rid of it, and will try to fix it up, but i dont like driving it too much cause it wastes gas like crazy. fuckin love it though.

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watch the movie. it's incredible... i haven't read the book yet... watch the movie and tell me if i should read the book.

That movie sucked.

Self-indulgent and pathetic rendering of some douche.

A complete waste of one of the best soundtracks composed for a movie ever, álá "Where the Buffalo Roams."

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Juliette Lewis, in Natural Born Killers. She rarely looks that hot, unfortunatly

Nah dude, she's got a band, too. Juliette and the Licks.

Every director loves her for the trashy parts she plays cause she's legit trashy.

Her band's a lot better than her acting, but yeah. Kinda a push.

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now hthat i'm really thinking about it that rich fuck was a cheapskate.

if he would've been in mexico it would've been okay, just go to your nearest 2 peso taco stand and have a feast, but I haven't seen any of those here.

For 30 peeps you don't go somewhere, you get that shit catered.

For $1G catered, yall's 30 peeps can eat like champs.

Drink no, eat, yeahyo.

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