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hung out with some ppl tha i thought i would not see for a while/ kinda of didnt want to see and got drunk. o well i dont know what the fuck should happen after that

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I'm going to go ask a guy out for the first time in a year. God damn this is weird.

i have a friend that likes dudes and he wont answer when i ask him does he and his partner bust nuts and the same time

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Delivery driving is gonna be weird today really hung over, especially since i'm working with the girl i drunkenly hooked up with last night. No idea what was going on until i saw her leaving in the morning. I just put two and two together. Holy shit am i hungover

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i had a slutty friend who was an EMT and would take turns getting fucked in the ambulance by whoever was not driving.

that sounds hot, that some fantasy to play out.

"I have a pain in my crotch region girl"

"OH ? lemme look at it"

*porn music starts*


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