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alright here's another one for me.

my girlfriend is Japanese, like.. straight out of Tokyo.

idk it's not so much a confession as it is, Today's Fact About Jax.

it's cool though ^___^ (unfortunately I'm NOT in Tokyo right now)

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^ i feel for you, man. been through it twice, myself. but on the plus side, it makes it that much sweeter when you guys do get to hang out together. and you have a good reason to visit tokyo here and there and get to "shoudougai" some japanese denim and other goodies. also heard there are good ramens in シアトル.

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Yeah dude, I really like visiting 東京 even before I met her, so it's just another great reason to head back over there.

Now 'cause of her I'm doing like all I can to become ペラペラ as fast as possible.


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うん、あってるあってる。なかなか日本語できるじゃない? Let me know if you find any good ramen joints there, so that I'll have more stuff to look forward to if I'm back in the area. I've been hitting different ones here in nyc and some of them are pretty good, too. Speaking of, ryu-chan here also seems to be a big ramen advocate. You can check out some of his experience in his blogs:


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^Ryu's blog has 15 entries for "Gundam Seed Destiny" and one entry for "travel".... hmmm.... I thought Ryu's absence lately would be because he was out doing cool shit and getting his jeans all faded out, but apparently he's just playing with figurines?

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and cmf, dog earing is not funny, it is incredibly disrepectful to the book!!!!

This brings up an odd childhood memory of mine.... when I was a kid, my dad was a librarian and used to get me tons of books, but I don't remember how many times I was told not to dogear pages, and that I had to turn the pages from the top corners... I guess it worked though...

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dismal, when i went to elementar school, the librarian told up if we turned in a book that had been dogeared, she'd make us come in and dust all the books and the shelves one by one.

I couldn't dog ear a book if I wated to now, i dont use bookmarks, but i do use index cards or dust jackets to old my place.

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I was talking to a college friend and was reminded of how 'teh azn' I was...

one shameful memory that came out today was how I used to go to class for like 45 minutes, then go floss my car around town in the middle of the day in this podunk college town, not to get jocked, but just so I could watch my shit in the reflection of shop windows as I rolled down the street. I probably did this on a daily basis, sometimes I'd drive the same street 2-3 times. I once had my friend drive my car up and down the parking lot at Staples just so I could watch it in action. Meanwhile I generally dressed like shit and was always hung over, as it were.

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